I've heard the retort "innovation" used for years.
Ok , fine.. I'll play along LOL
Get this guys
You can actually go take one of the thousands of EXISTING coins and use that to mod the code and add all this uber leet innovations i am always hearing about.
There is no need to create a new coin most of the time.
So why would you ?
Duh.. so you can be Satoshi and get the coins for almost free (then wait till it goes up and dump)
Quit playing stupid guys.
You are not smart and Earth gove 0 fucks.
You are not fooling anyone.. sure as hell not me LOL
I've heard it all !
I had the HYPE dick heads feed me excuses for example about the High Stake POS coin they unleashed for example and i told them if you needed to run an "Experiment" then why didn't you use Test Net ?
Why did you have to release a scammy clone that mimic'd CENT/Pennies ?
There was no reason at all to create another version of it and have it added to Poloniex.
The crew behind that one was the Poloniex / Monero crypto-MOB.
You will see the same "crypto friends" supporting the same exact coins running the same scam over & over.
I know one well known guy who invited me in on premining the coin with his friends.
I said no thanks of course but yeah.. added to Poloniex of course.
You'd kind of have to wonder why ?
Why is Polo willing to add all this crap ?
Why did they add XMR markets when Monero came out ?
You idiots out there don't realize you are simply bafoons being played by cartels.
Organized groups that run the show here all along..
You will see them against me or siding with me depending on which coin i "FUD" too.
But at the end of the day it's all still the same usual suspects making endless coins for profits.
And since you CAN co-opt the dregs of society with chump change the bullshit keeps rolling on.
If you don't see the facade going on you are fucking blind.
You didn't need to be here YEARS watching all these guys to see the bullshit going down.
There are no excuses for making an endless stream of new coins.
You are not fooling anyone.
It's a circle jerk for the already co-opted dregs here.
Preaching to the profiteer choir is a waste of time.
You think 99% of planet earth consider an ICO coin #5,432 legit ?
Innovation ? "coin" ? ohh that is rich hahahaha LOL