we have been seeing the same patterns of rise, rise, rise then fall repeated for over a decade now so it is not the farthest idea to expect it to be repeated again and again in the future for another decade too.
on top of that the market is building up and moving in a very similar fashion so far which can only suggest that we are indeed in the same patterns. right now it is similar to 2016, 2012 and possibly more matches in the past. and that makes 2020 a similar year to 2017 with big rises starting slow at first and speed up to end up in another bubble probably this time at $100k+
Yep, and while it's tempting for a rationalist to think that 2019 bears very little to 2017 in terms of fundamental and existential threats (at least on terms of scale), Bitcoin has never really needed rationale to jump in its parabolas. We had the civil war with big blockers, people all thought it was the death of Bitcoin but no one expected what came after.
But if what didn't kill Bitcoin only made it stronger, maybe this time it won't be anything obvious that shifts the next move up.
P.S. I'm that rationalist!