I spent 100 BTC over the past week on digital products and services. I paid my dues to a designer, a programmer, and sent BTC to some friends in exchange for them purchasing something with paypal that I can't access in Korea.
I'd imagine there are many people hoarding bitcoins because the are interested in saving money (a healthy practice) and more or less an equal amount of people hoarding them because they don't actually need them and to those people bitcoin is nothing more than an investment vehicle.
Still, there are realists like myself who recognize bitcoin as a young utility with potential, but potential that is only truly realized through regular use. I'm far from rich and I certainly do my share of producing (I am now either owner or equity holder in quite a few bitcoin related businesses and have no other "job"... Having the time of my life too!), but equally I spend as a consumer does and I spend in effort to produce more (paying salaries, buying equipment, paying fees, etc.)
Ironically, although I'm often both the most misunderstood person and the biggest troll in the bitcoin community, myself and the people like me are who actually make bitcoin work.
People like me actually need bitcoin for what it's used for. Speculating is for investors. Exchanging is for consumers. When will bitcoiners start to realize that they are what backs bitcoin? When will
you wake up and start being a producer too?
They may be few or far in between, but If anyone out there is truly torn about not being a producer and wants to step up but isn't quite sure what they can do or what skills they have or maybe even wanting to start a business but not sure about it, I welcome them to contact anyone in the
DCAO for assistance, myself included.
Those already producing, keep up the good work. Those interested only in consuming, thanks for sharing your wealth. Those interested in speculating the exchange rate of bitcoins to USD please understand to the producers in bitcoin you are about as useful as Atlas. The sooner you cash out and go on to the next 'big scheme', the sooner the rest of us actually using bitcoin can have some stability. Bitcoin speculators are no different than the 1%.
P.S. feel free to edumacate me Erik ^_^