laws of phisycs?
There are races that lived for more than 10.000 years, do you really think they didn't invented nothing useful to accomplish that?
We haven't and we have been around either a million plus years or around 14k depending on your definition.
And we won't be here for long either.. we're doomed.
It was said long ago by a respected scientist that we should have received a visit from an Alien civilization
or seen signs of one already.. one that had built a robot of sorts.
If life can live long enough it would get smart enough to make a self replicating form of life
and it would be sent out and populate the whole galaxy in about a million or so years.
Which in a time scale is not much..
Another scientist said in the show i mentioned earlier (The Universe a 1 season TV series)
That this didn't happen and we sit here alone in silence.. because that alien life prob didn't live long enough to do it.
I posted on another topic here 20 reasons why we fluked out and we exist.
The same lucky flukey random set of things would have to happen elsewhere most likely too.
people over simplify things.. Like they say hey there has to be a certain amount of planets the same size as ours
in our galaxy so... then they do math based on that.
But that is a crock of shit.
The SETI founder is one of those guys..he made a formula that is far too simple and inaccurate.
He made a formula that calculates how much life is in our Galaxy.. which was improved on of course.
Take the Moon for example.
It's the only one like it in our solar system.. ours is far larger in proportion to our planet.
This is a key ingredient for life.
It slowed our planet down from 8 hour days to 24 hour days.
Other wise we would live in super tsunami's and hurricane all the time.
Which make those ancient tidal zones less likely to have ever existed (where people think animals got out of the water)
And it just keeps going on from there.
Average people have no clue at all how super lucky it is we exist at all.
Like the odd's of us being here right now are so far off i can't even fathom the numbers.
If the moon didn't exist we would have extreme procession making intelligent life less likely too.
Instead of a 26k cycle we have now we'd have a more extreme one that violently hurled the planet
back and forth into ice ages to global warming at a fast rate.. unlike anything we see now.
And there is no way our advanced forms of life could possibly cope with super extremes like that.
What happened is a planet the size of Mars plowed into us at the perfect time.
Other wise we would not have the extra core material heating our planet.
It would have gone cold already and we wouldn't be here..
bah..what ever LOL