Litecoin is just a guy creating an inferior Bitcoin so he can be an early adopter of something, along with a whole bunch of other people hopping on to be early adopters as well. Why would it do anything except go away?
I'd still love to hear an explanation for that analysis; it's very hard for me to understand its basis. You might like to do some further research into the differences between the two and the broader implications of those differences. Without substantiation it's hard not to consider the "Litecoin's just a cheap clone" arguments as anything other than FUD.
Oh yea I saw your other post on that other thread, only I forgot to post on that thread because I was too busy buying Bitcoins. Oh yeah and its also probably due to the fact that people have seen this same reasoning a million times and choose to repeatedly ignore it due to their greed and irrational hope that somehow they can go back in time to 2009 if they 'believe' hard enough.
As for substantiation how about you look at the actual differences between the 'Litecoin protocol' and Bitcoin.
- There are more Litecoins.
- There is faster confirmation time.
- Litecoin uses Scrypt rather than Sha256
- It doesn't use the same coins as Bitcoin.
- It doesn't use the same miners as Bitcoin.
Both of the first two are basically equivalent to changing a constant in the Bitcoin source code. Oooh, how creative.
The first change isn't really a change at all, its equivalent to shifting over the decimal in Bitcoin, so it can safely be disregarded. It makes 0 difference to the economics or the security of the coin.
The faster confirmation time may have been slightly relevant originally, but now we have offchain transactions & ways to predict double-spends. Sure those force people to take on marginally more risk, but a shorter confirmation time increases the risk of a transaction being reversed as well. May as well keep the network secure for those willing to wait a whole 10 minutes.
Scrypt is a SIGNIFICANTLY less-tested encryption scheme than sha, an encryption scheme used almost exclusively for hype-seeking altcoins. Sha on the other hand is used on pretty much every website with a password. There's a reason why. If sha was broken tomorrow (which is ridiculously unlikely) Bitcoin would be the least of our problems. This makes Litecoin vastly inferior to Bitcoin. Also, the supposed advantage of scrypt (no GPU mining) proved an epic fail, showing just how little we know about Scrypt and just how far it is from gold standard that is sha.
The fact that it doesn't use the same coins as Bitcoin makes it inflationary and in fact a concept that has the potential to undermine cryptocurrency as a concept. Litecoiners say "well, Litecoins are more distributed than Bitcoins are." And if Litecoins became hoarded, because people were stupid enough to believe they were worth something, then what, you'd be in favor of dropping Litecoin and building a new unoriginal Bitcoin clone to serve as "the new thing?" Its ridiculous. Then some people say "oh well we're not even going to do anything we just want to be the silver to Bitcoin's gold, etc... etc...". Which is effectively saying "oh yea we just want to make copies of Bitcoin that anybody can make worth at least a fraction of Bitcoin." Seems legit, you criticize the Federal Reserve, but you want to be able to print your own money in whatever quantity you like, only its only "silver" not "gold." Either you're stealing from owners of Bitcoin, or you're inflating the money supply, something which cryptocurrencies are supposed to be able to avoid. If litecoin can do it, then BBQcoin can do it, or anything else, because let me tell you, Litecoin is the most inferior of the bunch for the reason stated above.
Oh yeah and it uses different miners so it can't benefit from the security of the Bitcoin network and has to make due with an inferior network because intelligent Bitcoin miners aren't stupid enough to waste an assload of resources on a coin doomed to fail while simultaneously inflating the currency he himself has been generating thus far.
So yeah, seems like a great idea.