Gays are not to blame for the fact that they were born in a Muslim family. It's the same thing, if hate the man for what he has gay. He was unable to fix it. If he leave Muslim they kill him. If he gay they kill him.
Looks like Muslim have lot of hate. Christian teach forgiveness and compassion.
I pity Muslim strange violent ideas don't hate them.
Muslim are not killing people who leave muslim, Muslim are not killing a guy. If he leave muslim, That is his choice, If he is gay, that is his choice. But there is afterlife and he will get something a judgment day.
But I believe that the Koran is clear about punishment for apostasy and homosexuality. If those rules are not followed in certain countries that's certainly good. But in other strict Muslim countries they are followed.
Homosexuality is not welcomed in any religion and in any country. I am not a Muslim but hate gays! I would have forbidden them to hold their parades.
Islam is very opposed to homosexuality, even I believe all religions oppose homosexuality.
I really hate gay, gay unacceptable.
Even animals do not have that relate to the same sex.