Bitcoin, as an asset, has piqued people's interest in purchasing it since individuals want to make money nevertheless, if one person is already doing it, there will be others who are intrigued. This is how bitcoin will continue to spread. Aside from the internet, this is person-to-person spreading based on relationship, and if the person discovers that you are generating money, they will be compelled to join because everyone wants to make money. The country must not even accept it as a legal tender but encourage people to invest and the government can also invest and that is why till now I respect el Salvador because they took investing in bitcoin as a priority.
And adopting thr blockchain technology. Its just time it will take before bitcoin starts lording over other currency because people will find more intrest to invest and can also use it as a form of currency. Depending who is using it, and what it is used for,
However, we must be smarter. We must comprehend Bitcoin's mechanics. Its about altering the financial game, not simply making money. So governments step in. Just look at El Salvador's Bitcoin obsession. They educate their employees as well as buy it. We need such leadership.
We must keep networking and sharing the information, but properly. Educate yourselves. Know the risks and rewards. This is no get-rich-quick plan. Money will be huge in the future.