Multiple having same avatars is annoying to me. If enrollee's can put like Marco does, it will be okay.
However, you might have to hire a part time designer for editing enrollee's image.
I think (for example) marcotheminer or other sig campaign maintainers will allow to keep our personal avatar but we should add a bit-x "logo" to the right side of it, and this way for me it's ok. I don't think it is annoying (more than the signature) and if someone don't want to see them, he can always use an extension (like ad block) for block specific avatars.
just look at the marcotheminer avatar...
he his asking to append the same stipe with bit-x logo
It seems marco buying member avatar:
Please PM me with your offer to have Bit-X take up some of your avatar space and personal message. It will either be like mine (added onto your current avatar) or will take up close to the entire area. More likely like mine, to the side
There may or may not be an avatar/personal message campaign launched on behalf of Bit-X in the coming month.
Preferably enrolled in the campaign too!
Payments would either be a one time sum for the rest of the year or monthly or whatever term!