... I know it is frustrating but that is just the way it is and the only thing we can do is to move forward as there is no point in punish ourselves with the mistakes we made in the past.
Hey thanks. I definitely don't wish my experience on others but it's good to know my story isn't that uncommon. And you're right of course, that there's no point in mulling over past mistakes- I should learn from it, and move forward like you said.
What I've found interesting is the effect that one's social media habits has on the whole thing. Such that, before I even knew what crypto or BTC was, my main forums happened to be Twitter and Reddit for whatever I happened to be into following at the time. So naturally when I discovered BTC I went there as opposed to here or discord let's say. And holy cow, in hindsight I really wish Twitter, or rather crypto Twitter (CT), wasn't the place I landed!
Its so utterly toxic IMO regardless of which part you end up on. I've been on both- the shill, influencer, scammy rug ppl I unfortunately followed at first all the way to the highly curated "alpha feed" which I spend months creating.
Sure, it sounded smart to follow the top top traders, VCs, OGs, maxis and the gigabrained, but I kinda forgot the whole fact that it's all about money, flex, cred, public shaming and psyops. I'm a pretty genuine person I think and enjoy helping others and learning myself (more of a reddit vibe in the right subs) so I got eaten alive on CT. It's like oh no, you mustn't ask the crypto rich any questions that challenge their precious words or aren't boot licking simps. It's brutal.
Yeah I have a bit of a chip I guess about it cuz I found myself buying into it and treating these egomaniacs like they were all knowing and like killing every trade and getting in early on all the best projects (or pump n dumps really) and I just chased that shit endlessly for too long.
So much smug condescending stuff going on there. Brought out the worst in me and I'll admit, my greed, gluttony, envy, wrath.. Ha, all the top notch sins. I was trying to get a leg up and become a trader, a tech-ist, a multi maxi, an investor, an insider, a economics professor, a monetary history buff... You get the idea. Trying to be everything at once except being myself and trusting my own ideas.
My point here is that just from browsing on here for a few days it seems like a much more diverse community. All kinds of threads from the most basic noob questions (which I always find useful) to advanced topics to ppl just sharing stuff, sort of like I'm trying to do now. It's so much healthier than trying to zing someone or getting psyoped in 240 characters on CT.
I wish I had started here and not there.
Lastly, the craziest thing about my whole journey has been that when I look back over each move I made in detail for almost 2 years, the ones that were the most sound and reasonable and dare I say "winners" were the ones that I came up with on my own, without influence, following a somewhat logical thesis and whatever my gut told me on top. Unfortunately, I second guessed all of them because of what others said esp on CT, but really just my own lack of confidence in my ideas at the time.
All the high conviction moves I made weren't my ideas and I was just chasing or FOMO or trying to run with the cool kids (yeah I'm old and a dork sorry). The assets I sold were out of fear and FUD and no one was hyping LUNA or AVAX at $1. So I went w narratives that I really didn't know anything about. Not trying to say I was a genius at ally I def was not. But an independent, original organic idea always seemed to be better than the toxic nature of CT and following what others were doing that I knew nothing about..
Anyway, I've said a mouthful again. Can't help it, it's cathartic to get this shit out. Esp publicly cuz it helps to keep myself accountable and take responsibility for my mistakes and hopefully learn something going forward. Like a cleanse - trying to start fresh I guess.
Thx for the feedback.