There are some move to earn projects like stepn, stepapp etc . Do you see any value in them or it is just a death spiral?
How do these move to earn project gain revenue? Answer that first, then I will say if there's any value from these kind of crypto projects.
Move to Earn is like Play to Earn where in order for a person earns, somebody must need to invest. Let's face the fact that in P2E games, developers are paying their users thru the money of different users. Same concept with M2E. In order for a user to earn tokens or whatever shitcoin it is, they need investments from other people. Unless they are earning from other things like having a merchandise, or whatever it is.
Move to Earn doesn't have any value at all. I remember SweatCoin where it has been there for years already, and yet it hasn't gained any popularity or at least changed the hype around crypto. Overall, move to earn projects doesn't have any value, but I'm also thinking that there might be some out there who still believe in these M2E projects and because of that, they will be forced to exercise, and that would be healthy for them, so I guess these projects are like "blessing in disguise" for them because they will be healthier since they're already exercising.