i have some funny and creepy story about this habbit.
Funny first :
this is happen araund 2008, i think when Hitman : Blood Money launch. My friend playing this game in my PC when i sleep, he said he finish the 2nd stage (i believe it was killing target in a hospital like) and 3rd stage (i forgot about this) and half of 4th stage because i was guiding him. Damn, i don't even finish the first stage, and he said he finished 2 and half stage because i guide him. This is just ridiculous..
Creepy story :
it is happen around june 2009, i was going home from my girlfriend place, it was afternoon 4pm - 5pm. I really sleepy but i keep going on, well, it's just another 15KM, what will happen right? The last thing i remember is a sign that i arrived at my city. And then, i woke up in my bedroom at 11pm, fresh condition, no scratch here nor there. I run to my garage, looking at my bike, there is no scratch too. I'm asking to the house keeper, he said i arrived at 6PM, asking for coffee, drinking and smoking at gazebo and then going up to my room. When i see my phone, more than a dozen missed call from my girlfriend. The question is, how come?
well that's my story, what's yours?
that sounds kind of far fetched to be true
especially the bolded part