At least it's no longer seen as a criminal hard drug in many western countries and it go forward every day with legalizing and new informations.
So do you smoke weed? How long and how much?
How do you think your consume is taking a part in your daily life?
I will not answer the question, as I don't think it's a good idea to confess illegal activities in public forums.
But someone I know quite well (and, of course, who isn't me
) vaporizes for over 10 years and does it sometimes in the evening
to relax from a hard working day. It's more relaxing and less hazardous than drinking alcohol.
Good to see many countries loosen the narcotics ban, so maybe in a couple of years it will be
accepted by society.
I'm tracing your interwebs history and reporting you to your local authorities now. You'll regret posting here, admitting you know someone that does hard core drugs that kill people! /s
I also have a friend who has smoked the M.J. for over 20 yrs...smokes bout half ounce a full time, contributes to society is almost every way, very responsible and a true class act. Cheers
Great. This is the best way to use recreational drugs. High functioning addicts are pretty awesome. Half an ounce a week seems like a bit much, has he considered taking a tolerance break?
I dont smoke weed but I have a friend that smoking.
But after our new President get elected he stop smoking weeds because our new President hate drugs and even weeds
Which country? Seems odd that a single person can dictate policy regarding drugs. Here in America, it takes all three branches for something to become entirely illegal.
Some people are really crazy about weed, I'm sure it can be good for some people and treatment of MS etc, plus I think it should be legal because the "war on drugs" doesn't actually stop people, but I personally don't do it. Some people really exaggerate the benefits as well, I even see some people claiming that weed cures cancer or that it's so great according to some poorly conducted study which is unrelated.
Weed treats pain pretty effectively. Curing cancer is a stretch by a longshot, but it turns out there's a lot to be said about the mood of a patient. One in constant pain and agony is less likely to recover than one that is happy. I could see a few isolated cases of someone's temperament changing the outcome of their diseases. Of course, weed can also cause cancers... so there's risks from both sides.
I do not smoke weed. It is harmful and forbidden in our country, although many continue to smoke this rubbish.
Is alcohol or caffeine illegal in your country? Both can be considered harmful if used improperly. I've OD'd on caffeine once... would not recommend it to anyone.
Ofcourse not i dont really understand the logic of smoke weeds..,
We know its illegal and it's bad in our help and also we know that it can make us high and when we are high we cannot control ourself and we dont know what we are doing so what the point you still using weeds if you know its bad if just curiosity zzz ..just kill your self
Umm, weed is a recreational drug? Smoking a single marijuana isn't going to kill you. The effects of marijuana use varies from person to person, but as far as I know, you never lose control of yourself. Honestly, you're more likely to have issues with alcohol than you are going to have with weed. Worst that's ever happened from consuming too much is passing out... unlike with alcohol in which death can occur if you consume too much.
Not at the moment. There're other things that can make me high as well
Yeah, like straight oxygen or caffeine. Right? Those legal drugs that no one even gives a second glace at. =D
What drugs have you done?
No. This rubbish is harmful to us and to others. Better have the usual cigarettes or hookah.
Cigarettes are worse actually. Nicotine is a hella drug.
Better have the usual cigarettes or hookah.
Is this trolling or pure naivity?
Even my grandma is too progressive to say something like
Propaganda and ignorance is the only answer here.
Nope, it is illegal in my country.
Hope will go Holland and try some
Or America, we have several states that have it legalized. And several others that it is decriminalized.
Better have the usual cigarettes or hookah.
Is this trolling or pure naivity?
Even my grandma is too progressive to say something like
Likely. I would also like to try the weed, but in my country this is illegal
Which country is that? Have you never done anything illegal before?
in my country smoking weed is illegal, but a lot of people do it
Yeah... and a lot of people commit murders in my country. I'm not sure how this post is even allowed. It provides no content and doesn't actually contribute anything to the thread.
We smoke weeds is illegal and I do not risk contacting these guys, although some of my friends smoke.
What the fuck? "We smoke weeds"... are you sure you're not on meth or some shit making these shitposts.
I don't smoke this stuff, but to be honest the few times in his life tried Smoking marijuana. Stuff. I did not like, besides, I did not feel any effect. In my country there is a ban on Smoking that stuff. All who it sells to cover for corrupt police.
Probably not inhaling... that's your problem.
It doesn't even matter because you won't know if im telling the truth or not. But since this article got me triggered and im replying to you at least chances are pretty high i am.
Yeah, I can tell you're fucking blazed off your tits after reading your post.
Ofcourse not i dont really understand the logic of smoke weeds..,
We know its illegal and it's bad in our help and also we know that it can make us high and when we are high we cannot control ourself and we dont know what we are doing so what the point you still using weeds if you know its bad if just curiosity zzz ..just kill your self
Hello appreciate your opinion but I will add that each person is very different and smoke for different reasons...I feel that more ppl lose their control from alcohol than 2 cents
Aye. Alcohol kills more than weed, even in places where it's legalized.
At least it's no longer seen as a criminal hard drug in many western countries and it go forward every day with legalizing and new informations.
So do you smoke weed? How long and how much?
How do you think your consume is taking a part in your daily life?
I do not smoke weed, i would like to say that first. But i know a lot of people that do, and personally im against it, but we live in a free world with free will so ... Why im against it, well because humans most of time don't know when to stop, and i have met some people that have
destroyed them self, and still continue doing so. At the end drug is drug and nothing more. But i know that it helps some people with pain and stuff like that, so if used smart (and that is debatable) it could be harmless. Maybe in future something will change, who knows.
Oh no, he's addicted to eating steaks. Let's making eating steak illegal cause some people can become addicted to it and it'll cause him harm!
Your logic is dumb.
At least it's no longer seen as a criminal hard drug in many western countries and it go forward every day with legalizing and new informations.
So do you smoke weed? How long and how much?
How do you think your consume is taking a part in your daily life?
I do not smoke weed, i would like to say that first. But i know a lot of people that do, and personally im against it, but we live in a free world with free will so ... Why im against it, well because humans most of time don't know when to stop, and i have met some people that have
destroyed them self, and still continue doing so. At the end drug is drug and nothing more. But i know that it helps some people with pain and stuff like that, so if used smart (and that is debatable) it could be harmless. Maybe in future something will change, who knows.
Alcohol had been known to do way more damage for the exact same reason but yet society and governments has widely excepted this drug called alcohol. It's up to each person to accept and be responsible about their own actions. Ontario Canada will be passing legislation very soon to legalize marijuana. States that a person cab legally have up to 30 grams and allowed to grow up to 4 plants for personal. And anyone caught selling to minors will receive a very stiff penalty of jail time. By the way I mean no disrespect to anyone who has had difficult lives dealing with their demons
Prohibition was a thing in America for a while there. It failed so hard... From what I've read, weed's gonna be legalized in Canada on the 1st of the next year.
If you ask me, weed should be legal BUT heavily monitored and if someone was to be selling around he would be facing a pricey fine and a longer jail time. But rather then poeple having rights to four plants per person to be growing, I'd rather be having a store that would be selling weed for 70% of the street price and that money would go int the budget for cancer research or something similar and believe me, people would be buying it like korazy and that would drop the street weed price for a lot and wouldn't even be profitable at all for themand also would eliminate dodgy drugs and would keep it regulated as much.
If you ask me, steak consumption should be legal BUT heavily monitored and if someone was to be selling fresh meat around he would be facing a pricey fine and a longer jail time. Instead of people being allowed to have cows, I'd rather them go to the market and buy beef for an arbitrary price that can't be determined because street prices change depending on supply and demand. I'd like that money to go towards researching how to prevent blindness or diabetes or something similar.
Your logic is flawed on so many levels...
I don't, but i have friends that do, and i must say that these set of people are usually fun to hangout with. In my part of the world, its very illegal to smoke weed because it gets abused by some users.
Yeah, people tend to abuse things. Look at all the obese people in the world, should we make food illegal?
Nothing against weed. But something against immature teenager that think they're winners because they smoke weed.
Meh, they'd just come up with another reason to justify their logic for determining they're a "winner". Teenagers being teenagers.
No, I won't. It is not good for my body, our body rather, bad for our health and it will commit suicide or be killing others. We couldn't control ourselves using this weeds. It makes ourselves high and has a happy feeling. Don't try anything of this or even drugs. I am not a user but I know what's the effect based on my research do.
Yeah, smelling feet isn't good for you either, but you seem to enjoy doing that. Everything in moderation.
Nothing against weed. But something against immature teenager that think they're winners because they smoke weed.
I agree Inlovewith. Maturity has a lot to do with how ppl sometimes perceives weed smokers. Weed is not for everybody...sure but the majority that do smoke have mature minds and and don't do it to "be cool"
They'd just start pounding energy drinks or something else to become cool. Honestly, smoking weed is better than going out and robbing stores/committing mischief.
I do not smoke weed. It is harmful and forbidden in our country, although many continue to smoke this rubbish.
i dont find it harmful, scientifically its good for your body
i smoke twice a day even it illegal in my country
It's not good for your body. Don't spread lies.
I'm against drugs. I do not smoke and do not advise others. My friend smoked weed and in a week had an accident with the car. Examination determined that he had used drugs and was prosecuted for committing an accident in the state of narcotic intoxication. A week after Smoking! It was worth it?
Dumb courts are dumb. If he snorted coke a week before, his blood would come back clean, but everyone likes blaming weed.
I'm against drugs. I do not smoke and do not advise others. My friend smoked weed and in a week had an accident with the car. Examination determined that he had used drugs and was prosecuted for committing an accident in the state of narcotic intoxication. A week after Smoking! It was worth it?
I agree, I do not smoke either. Drugs are stupefying the mind, and one must look at life soberly especially at the wheel of the car.
That's right, I do not smoke either. My life is already very rich and varied. Besides, I'm very careful about my brain. And I do not want to become a madman from drugs
Maybe if you constantly smoked for a few decades, you'd have brain damage. But amazingly, the body is pretty robust and as long as you consume in moderation, you should be fine.
No, Because that is bad for the body.
Yeah, so is living. Your body is constantly dying... sure, it may strain the systems a tiny bit more, but they're fairly robust.
I'm against drugs. I do not smoke and do not advise others. My friend smoked weed and in a week had an accident with the car. Examination determined that he had used drugs and was prosecuted for committing an accident in the state of narcotic intoxication. A week after Smoking! It was worth it?
I agree, I do not smoke either. Drugs are stupefying the mind, and one must look at life soberly especially at the wheel of the car.
That's right, I do not smoke either. My life is already very rich and varied. Besides, I'm very careful about my brain. And I do not want to become a madman from drugs
Yes, this is the right choice. At us it is illegal and I too do not wish to become the mad addict at which lomka because of absence of a weed.
You already seem like a mad addict...
I for one personally dont smoke weed, But i know someone who does, and thats my cousin and he has been smoking it for more than 18 years, He has been arrested several times but bailed and that doesn't even stop him, He sleeps and eats alot when he is high.
Meh, that seems more like an issue with the law than the person. He should probably move somewhere where it is legal.
I for one personally dont smoke weed, But i know someone who does, and thats my cousin and he has been smoking it for more than 18 years, He has been arrested several times but bailed and that doesn't even stop him, He sleeps and eats alot when he is high.
He will soon also start to be stupid, because the people who are becoming upset are slowing down the mind a little. Any bad habit brings problems.
He probably will never become as stupid as you... =D
yeah!! its illegal here but people doesnt give a shit haha
Yeah, dumb laws tend to be broken all the time.
Yes i smoke weed. The guys who smoke weed are considered that they are mad because they are destroying himself the brain . But the weed is just for relaxing .
Here in my country , 1g of canabis is 12 euros
Oz here is like $250-350 USD depending on vendor. I have no idea what a gram cost.
Yes i smoke weed. The guys who smoke weed are considered that they are mad because they are destroying himself the brain . But the weed is just for relaxing .
Here in my country , 1g of canabis is 12 euros
You can rest without destroying the brain. I do not support drug addicts and especially minor weed smokers.
Yeah, those caffeine addicts / people who drink coffee every morning just piss me off. I can't support coffee drinkers at all.
See how dumb your statement is when you just change the name of the drug.
No. This causes dependence and stupefies the mind. I want to see the world soberly and not depend on weeds, and it's illegal for us.
Sometimes it's nice to look at the world through a different lens and a different perspective. Weed is only slightly addictive, in my opinion, no more addictive than caffeine.
The major difference is the storage of it. Weed is stored in your fat, so it takes a bit longer to be entirely removed from your systems.
yes i do smoke weed a lot .it helps me to relieve my mind .
Cool. It legal where you are?
yes i do smoke weed a lot .it helps me to relieve my mind .
I'm sure you think you're the only one. All who see you think differently. Never drugs are not able to stimulate mental activity. If you think so then it only confirms my words.
Yeah, caffeine can't stimulate the mind at all... except it fucking does. You're an idiot.
yes i do smoke weed a lot .it helps me to relieve my mind .
I'm sure you think you're the only one. All who see you think differently. Never drugs are not able to stimulate mental activity. If you think so then it only confirms my words.
We all have different tolerance levels and still does not change the fact that as humans we need to act responsible and know our limits. Just because a few individuals who smoke weed for rather irresponsible reasons does not mean all ppl who smoke weed are this way. Responsible is being responsible and for those that don't smoke responsibly...well there are other issues with that individual
Have a great day
I've never heard of a case where someone high on marijuana went out and killed a dozen people because of it. As far as I know, alcohol is much more dangerous... but I suppose the same rules should apply. Everything in moderation...
Alright, 3 pages of responses seems to be enough now. Obviously my responses should tell you my status of weed. Currently on a tolerance break because it was taking too much to feel the effects, but it's a part of my life and a decent one.