I am here now, I understand better and I am ready to learn from everyone.
Learning never ends, and to teach others, we must learn ourselves. Earl Nightingale said, “One hour per day of study in your chosen field is all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years, you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do.” That is to say, if you had learned about Bitcoin some years ago, as mentioned, probably you would have held more Bitcoin or not. Some people claim they already know a lot about cryptocurrency, while they are lagging in some vitals.
A special welcome from me; keep learning, mate. In the forum, you will get a lot of opinions, but you have to filter out the ones that you think are best and most useful to you. I normally say Bitcoin still has a lot of potential in the future, so even if you invest now, there is still a new all-time high coming for Bitcoin.