Thanks for the feedback but the first link:"It's a company run by 1 director and 1 secretary"
? hahahaha
And then the name of the director, "Claudiu D.", is the same as the secretary, so I guess he makes both functions as both Director of the company and also Secretary?
And as I said, the zipcode EC1V2NX
Takes me in Google to some websites of virtual address rentals!! the provider you mention, when I search on Google both temrs together, "psi-pay" and "equicex", the only result I find is from the very same equicex website! Nothing else!
And then when I go to this link you shared: click on the tweet and go to Equicex twitter, I just see 2 users commenting on almost every Equicex tweet, using the same kind of tweets of how great Equicex is!
Now there is another other guy on Twitter that writes in behalf of Equicex. He claims to be the CIO whatever that is of Equicex. He is some guy named David Miller: activity on twitter is questionable. Before "Equicex time" there are some tweets mostly on crypto, some worrying. Like this one:'s really strange.
Then I searched on Google "David Miller equicex" and all I find is his linkedin site, in which he says that his only laboral experience starts in January 2019 lol wtf I'm very out of these curriculum stuff but I cannot believe that someone at his maybe late 30s early 40s starts a business and doesnt have laboral experience wtf picture as in twitter, just that one picture, usually someone that seeks to work and has a profile in linkedin has more information on oneself!!
So now I google "David Miller" plus his alleged claimed university and... I didn't find much. I didn't find anything that talks about this David Miller.
Ok, that's a lot!! I still feel like it's a scam and even though you have 1k messages here I wouldn't trust any of it. I will have to wait and see. See if my friend recieves the card, see if there are any real happy costumers, see if the card actually exists, would be nice to see a real one lol
Let's see! I got all curious!! Someone continues this investigation please!!! And let me know how I did!