Yeah basically followed the linuxcoin headless install wiki to start. I wrote a mining bash script for cgminer to handle my pool, fan, engine and memory control. I also use the auto start script from the wiki, but I think I'm going to cut that out, because when the gpu's get sick, I hold down the power button to shut down and then restart it. sometimes the auto script works and I'm back in up in no time, most of the time it doesn't. So then i hook up a monitor, keyboard, and mouse and go for a restart and usually what happens is I get the graphical interface failed to load error message and it asks if I want to see the log, which means zero to me, so i click no and end up at a command prompt. I can then run my mining script, but only my cpu mines, but cgminer does start.
So i use that adapter command to try and reconfigure the gpu's, but they are never recognized again unless I just start over with a fresh install.
I run linuxcoin on a 16gb flash drive with a 2GB persistence file and yes I go into the live/image syslinux.cfg and delete everything except the persistent command lines and memory test in case I need it. Ma king for a default persistent install.
I guess my cards eventually shut down from heat, but the gpu temps are never above 70 on any of my cards. i have all 5970's and 5870's. I clock the 5870's at 950/300 and the 5970's at 820/410. Here is my standard mining script:
This is for my four 5870's on x16 extenders on an msi 890FXA-GD70
sudo aticonfig –-od-enable
cd cgminer-2.0.7
./cgminer –o –u username –p password –I 9,9,9,9 --gpu-fan 85 --gpu-engine 950 --gpu-memclock 160
This has been my most stable rig. It ran great until my ethernet port shit the bed last night. Ran for over a week without issue. i just added two scythe ultra kaze behind the four cards to blow air through them.
I also have a rig with two 5970's in slot 1 and slot 5 on and MSI 890FXA-GD70 with fans blowing through the cards also from behind
Those have been at 820/410 with same script as above.
I also have a mongoloid rig with this set-up:
MSI 890FXA-gd70
3 5870's and one 5970. 5970 and one 5870 on extenders other two cards on board.
I use this script for that one.
./cgminer –o –u username –p password –I 9,9,9,9,9
gpu-fan 85 gpu-engine 950,950,820,820,950 gpu-memclock 410
Oh and all rigs use amd semprons and seasonic x1250 gold psus.
any help is greatly appreciated.