In many industries and fields, speaking the truth isn't well-received because lies align with the beliefs of the masses and serve the interests of those in power.
The truth hurts, but the wise few will still accept the fact.
As for the masses... many people don't like to hear truth because they are emotionally driven + emotionally biased(not logically), they can actually see the truth but their bias wont let them agree with it... I guess those type are also liars.
Dont waste your time trying to educate leftwing idiots, even if you prove the truth to them their habitual emotional behavior will override it.
Instead you can rejoice knowing that in the end... the chickens do come home to roost.
Now as for the people in the thread saying "honesty is required and to be truthful etc"... Sorry but I don't think most of you could even handle/accept the truth... you claim honesty is essential and to be truthful, but do you know the truth is misogynistic, racist, and the rest of it? Now what? do your emotions & bias kick in and you think "well this part of the truth shouldn't be allowed"... sorry to tell you it doesn't work like that... you are no different to the people you claim are untruthful. you catch my drift...(you do, but wont want to admit it)
With that being said, perhaps now you take back your "honesty is essential"?
Its not a test question, im pointing out that even those who think they are more truthful than the other... eventually fall short to lies & bias themselves, usually when the truth hurts.
An example - if you think everybody is equal then you are either delusional or a liar... its a FACT we are not. does it hurt your little emotions? Awwwww...
Anyway, these type of questions ends up with others getting emotionally butt-hurt, so i wont participate any further.