I don't think it will happen because there will always be people who don't want to depend on electronics and have a physical form of currency just in case. And these people won't be that 1% everybody laughs at, there's more of them than you might think.
Bitcoin still requires an investment: you need a phone or a computer with internet access and you just need to have a pocket to hold fiat
Nope, it will change the fiat sooner or later, nowadays people surely need electronics no matter what because in every year our technologies develope in so many variety ways that need electric, electricity can't die. Bitcoin is waiting for coming in a new era and will change the fiat it every aspec
This is not a competition to challenge fiat and destroy it. It's good that the fiat scam exists, so we can get the contrast of how it's correctly done with Bitcoin. Let them run national currencies, who cares as long as we have the BTC alternative.