Bitcoin definitely has huge advantages for people to become independent of fiat money and for companies to deal easier in international trade and payments. It also helped many people that invested early on into it to become rich. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the early adopters of Bitcoin and only started out to really save in Bitcoin when the price was already above 10,000 USD. That is why I can’t help my economy or family. In case I would make a lot of money with crypto currencies then I would definitely give money to my family and help them, but right now I am still struggling myself. As for the economy, I am also not really helping that much because I only holding most of my coins and not using it for consumption or trading. When you spend your coins you generate sale taxes for the government, when you trade your coins you make profits and have to pay taxes on your profits. But when you leave your coins in your wallet without touching them, then there is no real benefit for the government. It's the same like having your savings at home in a vault, the money is not being used and doesn't give any return for the government.