Yes, experience in regards to gambling will help you to avoid the shady gambling sites. This will not work in all cases, but in most, because some scams are very obvious!
So obvious that most people cant see it. I wonder how people determine which is obvious scam or not because sometimes the problem is not with the site but with our eyes. We dont really read what is written on the terms and conditions but we keep on ticking the box and register the site, and then we regret later
I don't think there's much "scams" in the conditions, it's just people running off with your coins
What you can do to prevent this from happening is:
1. Don't use a casino as a wallet
When you win, withdraw
When you want to gamble, deposit
2. Before depositing to a casino, google it, search for scam reports
Check if it's paying its customers
3. How reputable is the casino? How long is it running and paying?