there is something that everyone should take into account, that every time an intelligent person is going to operate, it is something that should be paid attention to, in case a person who is successful in trading is not only astute, but has to understand many things that others do not see, the fundamentals, some things that a person can see beyond that is what I mean, although you have to take into account that there are people who have a special talent for trading, they are people who see certain movements and the they recreate in your brain and sometimes they happen, I think that an intelligent person will always have a very good chance of always making money.
It is not really that much of a big deal, it doesn't really require all the things you said. It requires two things, one is focus because you need to be purely focused on trading when trading and you can't be just checking instagram stories while trading, that would be counterproductive (not impossible to do, if you are a veteran you may do it but wouldn't help at all).
Second one is studying and learning, there are people who are not so smart in many subjects, but smart about one subject so much that they became professors, I am sure my literature professor has no idea about trading, doesn't make him an idiot, also doesn't make him a genius because he knows a lot about literature. So just be like him, but instead of literature, just learn trading.