If there's a true scammer on DT, that's a huge problem, and I think the consequences of this happening are pretty obvious. Remember the Master-P incident? If I remember the situation correctly, he leveraged his DT position in order to pull off a huge scam--and nobody expected that to happen because of his DT status and extensive history of
not pulling off scams. And in Master-P's case, there wasn't any warning that he was going to do what he did.
If we know for certain there's a scammer on DT, that scammer needs to be voted off via exclusions. I'm not talking about a member who holds controversial views or is an abrasive personality, but one who is an actual dishonest member of bitcointalk. I don't know how a scammer could end up on the list, but I'm sure it could happen--and it's the responsibility of other DT members to take action.
6) How vigilant are the other members of DT going to be towards unacceptable behavior?
This one is probably always going to be an issue, as there's usually a lot of debate about these issues before anything is done. On the other hand, I have seen DT members act quickly to exclude members. I understand the concern, but I tend to believe that there is a core group of DTs that keep a close eye on their fellow DTers and would blow the whistle at the first sign of potential shenanigans. I'm being optimistic there, but my gut tells me it's the truth.
LOL what levels of proof do you need. We are ready to discuss this with you in public and you can explain clearly why tman is not an auction scammer and lauda is not a scammer too.
You do realize you can not just use a different " definition" of scammer as it suits you.
Love this new angle. Does it even matter if we have scoundrels and outright scammers on DT ?
Brilliant. Now it is undeniable since the evidence is here. https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/poll-the-official-dirty-turds-poll-which-dt-needs-flushing-first-5170789
We will swap to the angle that it probably does not matter that they are no DT.
Perhaps its a positive thing? meta board will certainly go for that. Also why is this thread not on meta. I mean of course cowards run to rep to self moderate but suchmoon must have forgotten to click SM this time.
Good for us and the board that some truth and observable instances can be brought to this party.
We already know who the nasty elements arrived on DT suchmoon
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/poll-the-official-dirty-turds-poll-which-dt-needs-flushing-first-5170789You and your friends put them there.
Can you highlight these other nasty scammers you seem to be referring too so we can compare their actions against your includes. Or are you talking about the same people but pretending you have not included them?
This is really a meta board matter. Let's bring it over there. Nobody reads rep really. You and your DT includes should be compared against these "OTHER" scoundrels and outright scammers under theymos nose. So he can compare himself. If your includes and those of people like pharmacist and tman are super clean in contrast to these "nasty" others then theymos should go on your side and blacklist them for sure. However if your includes and those of your friends (including them) are equally as bad or worse he should blacklist the lot of you and go with people that have zero instances of financially motivated wrong doing?
Are you open to this challenge you weasel and scoundrel and supporter of outright scammers and extortionists, trust abusers and other vile scum bags? Or run away again?