i like your portfolio it looks like the big brother of my portfolio
Can i ask you why you added no stratis,decred to your portfolio?
I dont want to create an extra Thread for my Portfolio but i hope you guys can give me Feedback / Tipps for my Portfolio and its okay for you neverth.
42 ETH
100 LTC
551 Antshares
700 Stratis
1000 Waves
200 ETC
104 Decred
4000 Shift
3000 Mobile Go Token ( i got them from ico and hold )
5000 LBRY
501 MNE
867 Storj Token ( also from ico )
I think about to change 10 % off my coins and Add some Xmr, Factom or NEM what you guys thinking about that?
Thank you
Cheers Coinfan91