I have never had a credit card all my life, and I don't intend to have any for a long time probably forever, because I will make sure to build my expenses around my budget and income per month.
Financial responsibility is definitely about how one should manage one's budget but it is also necessary to gain experience to be aware of financial responsibility and shape it. Of course, the use of credit card debt or loan debt will vary from person to person but the important point is how a person will control this debt. For example, buying a car with a credit card can be considered a luxury expense but making money by using this car and paying off the car's debt depends entirely on the financial intelligence of the person. On the other hand, as I mentioned in my previous comment, the correct use of credit card helps to purchase luxury consumer products more easily. For example, paying in installments in a currency with a high inflation rate actually helps to obtain the purchased service or product at a lower cost and helps to obtain it more easily compared to paying in installments.
Of course, it is your choice not to have a credit card for the rest of your life and not to think about having one for the rest of your life. Who knows, maybe if you had a credit card you might have been paying credit card debt continuously for years. I think that people who are especially interested in luxury consumer products and who cannot achieve financial control should definitely not have a credit card.