Let's do something good together:
Because I think donating money to charities is important, and the people who are making money are the ones who can give it away, I have decided to set up an account on BTCT.co with the name 'Charity' to grow dividends for charity.
I will hold shares sent to Charity, and any dividends they receive will be donated to charities. If an asset is not dividend generating, I will sell it as the share price increases. I will endeavor to make this as transparent as possible. The publicly viewable portfolio for this account is
https://btct.co/portfolio/hrc3Cw==To start things off I have donated 10 shares of BTC-BOND.
When making a donation transfer, remember that the user name is case sensitive, so the initial 'c' should be capitalized. If you would like your donation to be anonymous, please send me a PM first, otherwise I will make a note of donations in this thread.
If anybody wants to donate bitcoins to this, use the bitcoin address: 19esDddyT1RWznX9NNyR7SrZWEaNj3jtdz
Suggestions of charities which accept bitcoins are welcome. I may also convert the bitcoins to USD and send the money to charities, but this is much harder to make as transparent, so I would prefer to donate the bitcoins directly.
This needs a good title, Profit for Charity?
I am doing this as a generous way to make it easy for anybody to donate to charities with the money they make in bitcoin stocks. I am not being payed or compensated in any way.