Want proof? ask me and the 5 guys who had to unscrew 100miners today after been racked, now 50 SD cards between two people and staying up all night flashing them 1 SD card at a time, that takes what 30mins/45mins each, you do the math im up all night, and how much money lost in non mining time?
75* miners unscrewed for sd cards to be removed ->
http://imgur.com/2jbnw9B100 * miners on rack not green light because theres no SD card to boot and miner ->
http://imgur.com/2jbnw9B,VGFslyd,ZtbwnrT#150 * SD cards (my home work tonight) ->
http://imgur.com/2jbnw9B,VGFslyd,ZtbwnrT#2 (ironically my 'lucky' strikes pack of 20 got burned through within hours now on my 3rd pack today)
1 * conversation with lketc.miners ->
http://imgur.com/O2eL4Ok - Notice how the contact request is pending? yes i got deleted from there skype after requesting the ssh password.
1 * convo with a lketc reseller stating there managment were refused SSH (and one of the only Chinese people i genuinely like and trust apart from jack from lightingASIC) ->
http://imgur.com/CKvbKXYAlso look at my bitcointalk history at how i have tried to protect there customers from a bunch of scammers impersonating them, in several posts. and this is how im thanked
i also spoke to several high profile resellers of theres in china who's head of department rang lketc and they refused to even give it to them.
I've long thought that we are stupid blindly putting Chinese hardware in our homes without thoroughly auditing what is installed you never know what could be sniffing your network traffic and relaying that back to china or a literal trojan horse, introducing something on your network that you belive is good, but later later fucks you in the ass, but put this down to maybe a bit of paranoia, laughed it off and continued my zoot. but im right theres a reason why when i retuned to the farm this morning to find the 25miners we set up last night mining fine to be mining on lketc default details again. or simply paying the chinese to build a botnet against us in our own homes!
This company are a bunch of con artist with a pretty face who smile while they fuck you in the ass.
here is the default ISO before the scumbags locked out the SSH
SSH access is default rasp pi ssh details and feel free to security audit it, theres nothing in there (i can see/ put in there) that will cause risk to you or any other computers on your network.
Once i have these cards flashed and the farm running, i will exploit one of these locked SSD cards and see what other shit they are shipping out to peoples networks.
until then
the only reason they would not release the SSH password is because they have something to hide simple.