I am very clear about my investment strategy, which has increased my net worth considerably over the years. My income has also grown considerably and I am clearly above average in both wealth and income where I live for my age.
Why should I pay attention to your multiple walls of text? You've even been red tagged for them.
The guy is just unable to set a simple message, I think is probably using multiple accounts as well. On regards to the content itself mixing metaverse and investment, I just struggle to make any sense of it.
Anyone can invest, it is not limited with people with lot of money and I would say that it may be even better if you do not start with much. It will not change your life in the short term, but you will be able to build progressively, just as you say. Compounding works well if you are patient and have a long term view on the results you expect. But you have to do a little everyday and try to avoid stuff that is simply too risky.