Dude if you take out a loan, pay it back. Just because you believe the money didn't really exist in the first place doesn't entitle you the loan for free. Why take out the loan and then screw the system? It causes us all grief in the end financially.
Well if the system was not corrupt only the money principal must be paid to the VALUE creator , the constructors. The interest is not possible to pay unless unconstrained constant economic growth. That is why the US and rest of THE WEST is now in ASIA stealing their NATURAL RESOURCES so you can keep watching porn, go to bars and buy cars.
Unfortunately after Syria , which right now is experiencing a propaganda attack by BBC, etc prepping a military invasion, there is Only IRAN left with natural resources to grab. This is now widely being connected to the start of WWIII. You know what WWIII is right ? Prepare for instant death or your girlfriend growing a dick larger than yours. The alternative to the WAR is slower suffering until someone causes the war or commonsense comes to light, hopefully. Without new resources the banking capitalist system of the WEST will be losing their money potential power because of interest payments made to lenders : bankers. This interest money was not created as real value and to be paid need to come from real value in the economy. Watching China, India and Russia start affording the lifecycle they had previously, people will see their situation start looking more and more like 1930 in Germany..... Of course assuming no wars thereafter, unlikely according to histroy, China, India and Russia s growth will be followed by the same inevitable crash. If that happens though the world at that time will be one black dirty hole with Terminators moving around and we living in the sewers eating rats while few "ellites" have achieved likely immortality due to merging with technology. There will be NO HUMANS TO ARGUE WITH. There will be ROBOTIC POLICE.
With no money reform there will be an inevitable suffering and west governments are actively preparing for that by the way. Ammunition purchases, TSA, confiscation laws, Internet censorship laws, robot testing, self-moving vehicles, etc,etc,etc
Well humans are the best killers after all in this evolution, perhaps that is all we deserve.