The world is changing really fast. Nowadays school students starting from 9th-10th students to college level students are indulging in smoking to show themselves smart, nowadays it has increased a lot. When a student is addicted to smoking, he spends about one to one and a half dollars a day on buying cigarettes. A cost per month is $30 to $45, which if converted annually is $360 to $540. A student spends about $2,500-$3,700 on smoking over seven years. If we had saved this amount of money in any investment or for the future without spending it unnecessarily during our student life, then the path in life would have been very easy. The most difficult journey of a student's life begins in the years after graduation, when your savings or investments may come in handy.
If a student invests in coins like bitcoin without burning $2500-3700$ in his education life and also while he is busy establishing himself, this amount of money will power the way. Many may say that bitcoin risk has little guarantee of future profits but smoking guarantees that you will die very soon. I want to say that since I took the risk, why am I not in Bitcoin!
I have one regret because I have been through this cycle. I know and also know my community who is doing what how. I don't know if there are such members in this forum, but maybe there are many who have grown up or are in this cycle, to them I would like to tell them to quit smoking and start saving money and invest in Bitcoin and ensure a bright future.
There is a point in what you are saying, if reckless spending or money used in smoking by most individuals not necessarily students is been accumulated and used for Bitcoin investment it would have been better but my question is how achievable this can be, I said this because it has become a usual saying and believe of individuals but we think of this good whenever people wallow in reckless abandoned with funds, I come to realize that even when we are not smokers, there must be something that will be making us to spend our money it might not be much but a little fractions would have been saved if we had acted smartly.
Op, although most of this things were done blindly, some people regret this actions because it started as a play but unfortunately addiction came in, I am not an advocate of smoking since I understand the medical effect of smoking, I always advice people to quit, but realistically, even though you are not a smoker saving up this amount of money as you said will be unrealistic if one is not decipline and determined to do so.