If a dose of the drug isn't recommended and suggested by your doctor, you shouldn't take it. Don't get advice from people that are not medical professionals. I've seen cases of too much does that they've taken drugs that weren't recommended and yet, they took the advice of nonmedical people and as result, they're the ones that suffered from taking doge of those unrecommended drugs.
Use of it inappropriately does have side effects and even the correct usage of it so, it's more harmful if the use was inappropriate. Those reasonings that their takers are saying are just being said to justify their addiction on it, nothing less, nothing more.
This is flat out wrong. Doctors are often biased, uneducated, scared due to potential legal ramifications for recommending some “drugs” etc. Some doctors are flat out morons. My last two doctors are very pro-marijuana but my moms doctor is anti-marijuana because he’s uneducated and misinformed. This is why people often get opinions from multiple doctors.
I do agree with you about being uneducated, there really are those that have studied well to reach that degree and profession and passed all of those requirements including residency. But yeah, they've got their bias and it's one reason why the medical industry is seen to be a big market. Pharmas do have their contracts at least for some doctors to have their medicines suggested and prescribed by them. And yes about the latter part, when in doubt, always seek second, third, or more opinions from other doctors.
If a dose of the drug isn't recommended and suggested by your doctor, you shouldn't take it. Don't get advice from people that are not medical professionals. I've seen cases of too much does that they've taken drugs that weren't recommended and yet, they took the advice of nonmedical people and as result, they're the ones that suffered from taking doge of those unrecommended drugs.
Use of it inappropriately does have side effects and even the correct usage of it so, it's more harmful if the use was inappropriate. Those reasonings that their takers are saying are just being said to justify their addiction to it, nothing less, nothing more.
You are right all the assumption about drugs source as marijuana and the rest of others is quite a bit of alarming case and there is no justification for their usage even though some of that drug can be taken based on recommendations and their side effects are always clearly stated.
-Every wrong usage of the drug have its devastating effects on the users in the long run, and even the abuser is aware of that and has their mind prepared ahead of any possible outcome of their actions
When the drug takes effect, it's really hitting our nerves, brain cells, and every single possible part of our body. That's why there's the sensation that we want to take it as much as we can even if it's only a prescribed medicine especially marijuana that are being prescribed for medicinal purposes and not for recreational.