^ just a prediction, I see Polkadot as very promising and has the potential to print another ATH before this year ends. The big project which coming to Polkadot in 2021. Polkadot has already attracted the interest of a few developers.
- Frontier
Frontier is Substrate’s own Ethereum compatibility layer that allows developers to run unmodified Ethereum dApps. The program will allow any Substrate chain to appear exactly as an Ethereum chain would, as well as host any tooling supported by Ethereum’s Solidity programming language, which includes MetaMask, Truffle, and any other tool that uses the Web3 RPC.
- Moonbeam
Aside from being an EVM implementation on Polkadot, Moonbeam is also a highly-specialized Layer 1.5 chain that mirrors Ethereum’s Web3 RPC, accounts, keys, subscriptions, logs, etc. The goal of the platform is to extend the base feature set found on Ethereum with additional features and functionalities that include on-chain governance, staking, and cross-chain integrations.
- Acala
acala is the first stablecoin to launch natively on Polkadot. However, Acala wants to become much more than just another stablecoin on the market—its development team wants to build a decentralized finance hub and a stablecoin platform that power cross-blockchain liquidity and various applications.
full article here: