Hi all, there is a method for gambling in the roulette that allows you to almost always win. The trick is that you need to have a lot of money to start with.
The idea is simple: bet to color (black or red), which has nearly 50% change of win and payout is 2x. Every time you lose you double your bet, and if you win, you start again with the original bet.
So, suppose you bet 1, lose, bet 2, lose, bet 4, win, you win 8 and spend 7, so you still win 1.
There is a mathematical formula for this which is not that hard to understand. Suppose you bet 'x' and lose n-1 times in a row, winning in the n-th time. What you win is x*2*2^(n-1) and what you spend is the sum of n bets, which gives x*(2^n - 1). The profit is then x*[2^n - (2^n - 1)] = x.
Losing 7 times in a row has a probability of 0.7%, and you need to spend 256 times you original bet. So, if you have enough money in your hand, unless you are extremely unlucky you will always win something.
Now, when applied to bitcoin gambling, let's name satoshidice, you have to consider also the transaction fee.
Going back to the previous example, with n-1 loses and winning in the n-th time, you have to pay n times the fee 'f', so the total profit is x-n*f which should be positive.
If you bet the minimum,
BTC0.01, and the transaction fee is
BTC0.005 you will always lose because you spend more in transaction fees that what you can win.
Making 'x' 10 times larger than the transaction fee will give us 0.1% change of having negative profit (if playing to 50% change of winning).
You can avoid loosing with transaction fees while also betting the minimum if you change the multiplication base by another number, like 3. This way, the amount of winnings increases a lot, but you also need to have more bitcoins to spend.
If we revise the previous example, now multiplying by 3 instead of 2 in a losing, what we win at the n-th roll is 2*3^(n-1), and the total spending, including transaction fee, is (3^n - 1)/2 + n*f.
Total profit is then x*(3^(n-1) + 1)/2 -n*f. Because the winnings increase exponentially with n, even betting the minimum you will never lose.
Disclaimer: This is a mathematical analysis of the probabilities of winning in bitcoin based gambling sites. Whereas there is never 100% success of winning, using this method, and with enough money in your hand, you have high chances of winning. The more money you initially have the more chances you have of winning.
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