Objective reality is like a platonic ideal of a sphere or a straight line. One might exist, but you'll never see anything better than an approximation. When time gets involved, relativity says that when information is constrained to finite speeds, like it is in our universe, even the approximations are personal to each observer.
Events occur in a causal sequence. If A came before B, then A came before B in any reference frame, regardless of time dilation, speeds of observers, or other complexities you might want to add. This is the idea of causality. If you assume that the universe is not causal, then formal logic breaks down (and X can equal !X for instance).
You can't forget about quantum entanglements... Einstein referred to this as "spooky action at a distance" and causality relies on a time scale.
Here's a thought experiment:
In quantum computing there exists a process called postselection. Postselction allows the variables within an expression to take any value at random. Using an extra pair of qubit gates, the computer will place a condition that the answer output must be true. Postselection effectively allows a quantum computer to disregard all wrong answers returning only the correct answer without wasting qubits; it's as if they were never used. If you combine the quantum process of postselection with quantum teleportation then causality no longer applies. Say you use postselection to ensure that only a certain type of particle state may be teleported. In this scenario you've limited the quantum state of which a particle must have been in before it was ever teleported. Causality no longer applies because the particle state has been teleported backwards in time...
http://www.technologyreview.com/view/419893/quantum-time-machine-solves-grandfather-paradox/ More on postselection and quantum computing:
http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/461/2063/3473.full"That two transactions that spent at least one of the same outputs were broadcast to the network, and the transaction that was broadcast first was not the transactions that got confirmed"as "nonsense." I agree that
I cannot know what TX
you sent first unless I was observing you send them, but the statement is still valid. One of your TXs
was sent first.
It sounds like you simply don't believe in
I view causality as an interaction rather than a physical law. Causality cannot account for the sequence of events before the big bang or for the first moments of when the fundamental fields were in hyper expansion. Causality is as flexible as time in my view.
Just because Bob threw stone A into the lake first does not mean than Bob did not also throw stone B into the lake first; it simply implies that we're observing the effects of a quantum state in which Bob threw stone A into the lake first.
Ever wonder why entangled particle states alter non locally upon measurement? If two disconnected observers were to measure the same entangled particle, those two observers will always find the entangled particles to be in the same state. Once one of the entangled particles has been observed, neither particle will ever change state again. It's as if the only thing binding us to this reality is our collective consciousness and that there is a connection between all of us within this reality in that we are conscious. Our observations alter the quantum state of our universe and these alterations are observed by anybody and everybody else forever within this state of consciousness.
Bob has infinite opportunities to choose which stone to cast out first and will choose an infinite number of choices. Causality I believe to be an effect of a linked consciousness. We can't feel it but it's there...
I believe when we die our consciousness will transcend time beyond the life of our current Universe until the Higgs field has dispersed and all matter in this Universe has degraded/dissolved into subatomic particles. There will inevitably be another big bang in a timeless subatomic space and our consciousness will be reincarnated thanks to the properties of quantum mechanics which ensure that every particle must exist simultaneously in superposition. This means that the subatomic fabric that allows us to exist will exist in superposition within an infinite probability. It just means that there will be a reality after this reality has ended and that we are all entangled within infinity...