To protect his revenue stream, you mean. This is just another drug baron scumbag trying to protect his illegal business. May he rot in jail.
Learning who the statist are in this community.. People who are in it for the money dont live in an apartment with roommates. I have been to jail I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy.
This is a bitcoin foundation member and thinks DPR should rot in prison. I guess we know what your motivation is and it aint freedom. I would venture to say you are the greedy one who is only thinking of themselves.
Yep, he should certainly rot in prison if he attempted to have someone murdered. He wasn't in it for the money? No doubt then you can point us to the charities he donated his profits from the site to?
Watching the PR job he pulled on the naive members of the drug-meets-bitcoin world was funny. Even funnier to watch some of you
still buy into it. You are a PR flack's wet dream.
My motivation is to see bitcoin gain mainstream appeal, which requires the buy-in of a huge variety of existing institutions. Drug barons bragging in Forbes about their illegal business transacting solely in bitcoin does not help, at all.
No friend of mine.
That's ok. I don't hang out with extremists.