Should of been more specific, its with the boss Dawk and yes it did pay out gold
Ok thanks, it should be fixed now. Issue with my wording trying to get it updated as soon as I could.
For your question, this is normal. It is a hidden feature in the game that will allow a user to 'skip' a fight occasionally for the chance of a smaller reward of finding gold or finding a training camp instead.
Edit - It seems I overlooked a hazardous mistake when leveling involving the Dragon Points. When you reach max level and the game resets you then it will allow you to reclaim Dragon Points for each level gained after. This will be fixed later tonight so please refrain from leveling if you get reset to 0.
Oh damn ill play later once it is fixed then, thx for the heads up!
This should be fixed now with a max level of 106 at 16777215 exp. Are you the user named Spoink?