Hey, Josh. I know you're busy and all fucking people far and wide, East to West, and West to east, but is there anyway you can speed up that lawsuit you're going present me? Come on man, we're both Jewish. Don't let me down, Brother.
Bruno Kucinskas
PS: To any lawyer reading this: I fully intend to do my damndest to destroy the AMT brand, fuck up Joshua Zipkin's livelihood, and destroy his marriage. For good measure, I wish to fuck the living shit outta Amber, AMT's Night Moderator, and eat her tight Jewish pussy.
PSS: I really fucked you up in creating that imaginary convo, didn't I brother? Too bad they'll believe me and not your lying Jewish ass, you fuckin' pig!
mirror mirror
On the wall, Joshua Zipkin's about to fall!
Josh, looks like the gig is up. Too bad you had to lie about that fake PM I supposedly sent you.
But, you still have options:
Joshy, Joshy, Joshy!
First off, you're not even capable of taking a screenshot, focusing a screenshot (don't have a clue how you fucked this one up), or linking to a screenshot.
Let me help you, Brother.
Now that I have helped you with yours, allow me to show you a couple of mine.
Note the time stamps of the edits in both above screenshots, of which can still be seen at the following URLs respectively:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.7839251https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.7832163Go to each and put you cursor over the time/date and see for yourselves that both are stamped ~1m prior to me sending those two PMs to Joshua Zipkin.
Why, you ask I would do such a thing? To prove once again that this scammy motherfucker will spend more time on shit like this than take care of a single one of his customer's concerns unless it betters his position.
This fuckin' Jewish simpleton actual thought it was to his best interest to try to prove to the world that I actually penned that convo, when in fact Joshua Zipkin, et al. did.
You want further proof that I didn't make it up but Josh lie the other day trying to claim that I did? Well, here it is...
Fuck me! Josh Zipkin has left the forum.
"Joshua Zipkin...come out to play-ee-ay!!"
That picture is fucking creepy...like Harry Potter on weed with no glasses and cooking meth...with an immense noggin...something incredibly creepy about that pic.
Besides the jokes I do feel the need to confirm now that those chats are indeed myself as customer1, I am not in agreement with the chats being released in this manner, but it is what it is. I will let the others out themselves should they choose to as right now people can only guess who they are. The chats are 100 percent authentic skype chats. The leaker is someone else who was not a customer but got pissed off seeing the stuff that was happening. I was accused however of being the leaker despite the actual leaker confessing before leaving the chat, so I figure I will set the record straight publicly. Make of that what you will. I still appreciate his attempts to preserve the privacy of the group.
I still have no order and various calls to DHL confirm that my order was not any of the tracking numbers sent out. You can take a guess as to what list I am on. Go on have your fun now rubbing it in. The I told you so's lol. At any rate they pretty much screwed everyone and its pretty evident in the chats the real deal. I had it out with him tonight because he assured me my miner was on its way.
You see Joshy Boy, I already deduced the other actors long time ago, while you were... Honestly, don't have a clue as to what you were doing, but damn sure it wasn't honest.
So, in case you missed it, here's a timeline:
I posted the leak convo.
You claimed I made it up.
I proved that I didn't make it up and was by you, et al.
I then lied to you via PM (of which you knew was a lie) that I did write the Convo.
You posted my lie as proof that I lie and that the convo was penned by me.
Meanwhile, one the authors comes forward to confirms that it was you who penned parts of the convo.
I posted in this post how the hell I played you once again (this makes three times) like a broken Jewish fiddle that should be stuck up your ass so motherfuckin' far...
All that said, let's play a new game. It's call SUE MY MOTHERFUCKIN' ASS!
You've just about lost your business, your business associates, some of which have thanked me privately for exposing your ass, your friends, folks you thought were your allies, soon, your pretty wife that's fucking every dick in Bulgarian during your absence, your dad doesn't want anything to do with you, and that's a fuckin' fact... should I go on?
Bottom line, hang yourself and end the misery, but make sure Jake, your cat, is in a good home first.
BTW, if this doesn't end the saga of Joshua Zipkin of AMT, then I'll be close by to continue to stick it uo your Racist Jewish ASSHOLE, you piece of shit. I will continue to fuck you over like there's no tomorrow. Why? Because no court of law has stopped me yet. Which reminds me: SUE ME ASSHOLE!
~Bruno Kucinskas