I used to run one. It's still open actually, but no one has been sending anything, and it is a legacy address. I could make a new one that's segwit, probably native segwit too since any address that gets dusted should be in control of an individual. Any exchange or website owned addresses will get swept by those entities anyway.
But if nobody knows it's out there how would we send to it.?
But I figure someone running a donation address that would take everyone's dust and send it someplace as 1 TX might exist.
If not, which one of you fine people would want to start one?
only a miner or a pool owner can do something like that and only if they own all the private keys required to sepnd all those small dust outputs. because the miner can include a tx in his own block without a fee otherwise others have to pay a fee which may end up being higher than the total.
No, what I am saying is that I take my .00000777
BTC and send it to an address
You take your .000001
BTC and send it to an address
It's going to wind up being 1 address with 200 transactions and a fee that is probably 75% of what it has in it to send. But if that number really gets to be $30 or $40 then the charity still gets $10 to $12 and does not have to deal with 200 tiny transactions that may or may not be worth dealing with. They might not know how to use coin control, they might not know to only send when the mempool is empty, etc....