Fuckin' Jon trying to steal a rip on me and claim it for his own? Leave my disses alone, you have your own to amuse you, this one is mine and I want to savor the eloquent brilliance as crafted by Dutchie.
And... hey guess what? Dutchie ain't Matthew... number one- the new and improved mature Matthew would never communicate in such a crass fashion. Number two- if Matthew had decided to go on a tear and insult me, he would have brought his A game... this is just boring recycling tripe from an amateur interwebz whiny bitch. Using waste of oxygen is so 1998, and the blank generation thing? For fuck's sake, the simple minded little fuck-wit has no idea... Which, number three- Matthew would have, as he and I have had conversations previously that would have given him this knowledge.
Your choice of words certainly reminds us that imitation is the highest form of flattery, thank you.
examples: "bitch" "simple minded" "whiny bitch" "fuckwit"
Me crass? Thanks, your class pretentions are showing, that is, you don't have any so you need to affect actually having some.
1998 huh? Thanks for showing what it's like to have been born yesterday in a basement bedroom in the suburbs. Of course, anything that might have happened before your mother squirted out a little shit-spot and named it You is completely irrelevant, not to mention beyond your reach.
Interwebz? LOL! D00dz, youz arez fjuckingz retardedz.
As regards our other discussion, you fail and fail again to understand principles of evidence. Your claim that you would have supported me in
my self defense claim
without ever even hearing the facts illustrates just how completely defective your "reasoning" in this matter is.
All in all, you're less fun than a bag of pedophiles nailed to a target, but for now you will do.