Yes Duterte is so kind he is killing the criminals so you can all have jobs on the rubbish tips
Enjoy your jobs
Duterte is a child killer..A scum bag a rat a piece of dog shit
..A cunt A twat..
someone put a bullet in his head.. He needs one for killing poor street children..
Plus how many people fiddle taxes?..Criminals..
How many hours did your work cough cough 5 when you done 10..
How much did you sell i sold 5 when i sold 10..All criminals we should put them to death?..
Arrr well most of the planet dead..Because most people do some sort of crime..
Answering your mobile while driving..Duterte will kill them
He kills criminals anyone who commits a crime is a criminal..using mobile phone while driving
fiddling taxes you should all die??..
Do you know what a cancer is? I don't think you really understand and just exaggerating Duterte's actions. Also, if someone decides to do something, he must take into account that some things might happen, just like if you're a drug dealer that you might end up in jail or killed.
Well with this sort of overpopulation of 7bil people in the world, that wouldn't be that of a bad thing. No, not die but jailed or fines yes. IT's against the fucking law you numbskull, ofcourse there are going to be consequences if you break the law, ffs.