Have you guys 'dev'd' anything or is it just a fun name?
Most of the dev'd stuff so far has been about building the framework to make future collaboration possible. There are always bounties open for open-source related stuff here:
http://www.devtome.com/doku.php?id=devcoin_bounty_now and on the official devcoin bounty thread on coinzen (a forum generated through dev bounties):
http://coinzen.org/index.php/topic,150.0.htmlRight now the biggest project has been devtome:
http://www.devtome.com a collection of writing works by 180+ writers. People write and get paid in devcoins, based on content reviews, pageviews and so on. This provides a platform for any author to write what they passionate about and get paid a share of devcoins for their effort. Their pay is moderated by popularity (usefulness) and ratings from people on this list:
It's a slow process, but that's because it's more like an ion drive than a chemical rocket. Over time it picks up more speed, at the lowest cost possible, building upon the previous foundation at every step. One day, just like bitcoins were for many people when it first arrived, it will gain enough momentum for critical mass. Even though the price drops, people keep writing and increase competition for generation devcoins, because they become invested with the ideal, and their presence and long term interest forms the basis for the true value of devcoins.
Devcoins are unique in what they offer. Not just "another coin" (it predates most alt-coins, being created in 2011), but as a way of recording human-effort in a block-chain. Checkout
http://dvccountdown.blisteringdevelopers.com/ and browse the different rounds with an empty username to see what has been created through the devcoin incentive. Most of it is all internal related, but at some point this will become external, and early investors will reap enormous returns.
Devcoin Auctions are the first real community inspired business that actively seeks devcoins, and create inputs to the devcoin price (
http://devcoinauctions.com). There are many more to come.
Bitcoiners talk about going to the moon. Devcoiners aim for the stars.