If You have a little time, can You explain me one thing more?
Equipment increase time of mining by 10% and chambers by 5 minutes each? The same time of mining? If I have lvl10 of eq. and lvl10 of chambers one "Start Mining" will be work:
(5minutes + 10x5 minutes) * (1 + 10x10%) = 55minutes x 2 = 110 minutes?
Yep, looks good to me. If you have them, you have to mine only once every 2 hours.
Afaik your calculation is nearly correct.
You already start with one chamber, one worker and one gold ore.
Therefore the result of your calculation is the one for 11 chambers and 10 equipment.
(5+10x5 minutes) = 5 minutes times 11 chambers = 55 minutes
(1+ 10x10%) = 200% = 2
Therefore the maximum time without captcha is: 20x5 minutes x 2 = 200 minutes = 3 hours and 20 minutes.
Are You sure? I was count first 5 minutes as "chamber lvl 0". I have no chambers and I have 5 minutes of interval.