Earthcoin may become an interactive tool for people on Earth and aliens?
We are all earth people
If aliens begin to communicate with humans, the next obvious understanding is that we will see us as: Earth people. We are no longer Chinese, French, American or Russian. We are all members of the Earth. In the interaction with alien species, we are a group.
Soon, humans will need a global value system and communication system - don't tell me that everyone in every country in the world agrees to use only US dollars to do business with foreigners, so it's hard to convince people around the world Use the dollar. Yes, the dollar is the world's reserve currency and has been widely used, but people are not always satisfied with using only one currency in their daily lives, because they will ultimately be unable to control a single currency, and people seem to have no success with the single currency. Great interest, no matter where they live on the planet.
What I am saying is that at this time we need a global currency that is not controlled by any one entity. We need a mature currency and a sound infrastructure, if we can have a solution...
It is you, the earthcoin. (Source network)
What are the initiatives from the devs' end for EAC to have a sound infrastructure? Crypto users should have motivation to hold this and feel that they have coins which are of worth later on.
It is good to see that there is active trading going on for EAC in coinegg and AEX. However, the price is very low for an old coin like this.