
Topic: Earn FREE 120 Satoshis every 5 minutes with faucet (Read 3369 times)

Activity: 10
Merit: 0
This page no paid. So bad
full member
Activity: 1316
Merit: 105
Bывoд тaкoй кopoчe.....Aдмин дpявый тaм этo и тaк яcнo тaк кaк нe oднoй выплaты никoмy нe пocтyпилo в итoгe. Этoгo Пeтyxa бы в пoдвopoтнe вcтpeтить вeчepкoм и глaз шoкoлaдный eмy paздoлбить ! a я cвaлил.........

пoнятнo, чтo c тaкими pacцeнкaми этo изнaчaльнo cкaм и никтo дaжe нe дyмaл плaтить. зaчeм нa тaкoe вecтиcь?
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Bывoд тaкoй кopoчe.....Aдмин дpявый тaм этo и тaк яcнo тaк кaк нe oднoй выплaты никoмy нe пocтyпилo в итoгe. Этoгo Пeтyxa бы в пoдвopoтнe вcтpeтить вeчepкoм и глaз шoкoлaдный eмy paздoлбить ! a я cвaлил.........
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
Nobody got paid, and anyone claiming to that has no proof is probably the admin trying to fool more people. It's a scam, 2 Sundays have passed and no payment, stay away
Activity: 4
Merit: 0

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Ocтaнoвил нa 23000 пocмoтpим гдe нaшe зapaбoтaннoe ! Или вcё этo вcё тaки гoлимый  CКAM! oтcчёт вpeмeни пoшёл.......
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
I was paid before the payout was raised to 3000000 satoshi. Will see if anyone is paid at that amount.
Hi proof of pay? Why we are not able to see withdrawal button ?
Activity: 171
Merit: 10
I was paid before the payout was raised to 3000000 satoshi. Will see if anyone is paid at that amount.

really, you are paid. any proof?
Activity: 532
Merit: 13
I was paid before the payout was raised to 3000000 satoshi. Will see if anyone is paid at that amount.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
now my balance is above 31.000 awaiting payout today lol
Can you tell me if the site has paid.need proof. thanks you
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
Welcome to the highest paying Bitcoin faucet, that you have waited for a while...  Wink  Wink

120 Satoshis
You earn 120 Satoshis.

5 minutes
You only need to wait for 5 minutes of time for your next claim.

Directly to your wallet
Your earned Satoshis will be sent directly to your wallet address.

25% ref commission
You get 25% of referral commission for each person you refer to the faucet.

Signup and Claim
It's very easy to use. You only need to register for an account and keep claiming.


Use the correct referral link to refer people :[your username]
You will also find it from here :

I don't think its gonna Pay.
Because it's giving 105 Satoshis per claim. If you claim about 100 times you get 10500 satoshies which is more than $1  ..
And also the site is not using so much advertisement.
Sites is getting earning about 1-2$ CPM (1000 views).
Means if you claim for 1000 times you get about 10$.
The site only earn 1 -2 $, so how they gonna pay you.??
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
Welcome to the highest paying Bitcoin faucet, that you have waited for a while...  Wink  Wink

120 Satoshis
You earn 120 Satoshis.

5 minutes
You only need to wait for 5 minutes of time for your next claim.

Directly to your wallet
Your earned Satoshis will be sent directly to your wallet address.

25% ref commission
You get 25% of referral commission for each person you refer to the faucet.

Signup and Claim
It's very easy to use. You only need to register for an account and keep claiming.


Use the correct referral link to refer people :[your username]
You will also find it from here :
Hello Come back here to reply us and Use this

Best for Advertisers
We charge money only for visitors [Skip Your Ad] to confirm they have watched it.
We have cheap prices, and you will get bonus traffic for free!

Maximum Profits
We pay you again for every visit while we are showing a different advertisement.
Do you own a website? Insert our Ad-Code to earn automatically from your visitors.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
now my balance is above 31.000 awaiting payout today lol
Activity: 108
Merit: 10
Sounds too good to be true!
I will probably stick to free bitcoin hahaha
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
ADMIN & Idea Contributor with "ABY" BiggBoss
this is malpractice - earning from users...and not paying... Undecided
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
there is no option to withdraw, whats the minimum balance to withdraw?
There is no option to users to request their Satoshis on the user accounts. We maually check every week if there are users who reached the withdrawal limit, and pay them accordingly. Thank for your reply.

hello good night, They did not pay me either, at this time I have 16800 satoshi, I think for Sunday I had the amount for the payment, I doubt very much having generated 1800 since Sunday ... I await your answer. Thank you
Activity: 171
Merit: 10
stop visiting the site, it is a SCAM and you are just helping boost its alexa rank.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Esta faucet es una gran estafa...

este fin de semana no me pagaron..

Por favor dejen de hacer estas paginas.. diganles a todos sus referidos que esta pagina no paga
full member
Activity: 453
Merit: 100
what day of the week you pay, I reach the 10,000 satoshi and I would like to know when they pay, to have a proof of payment and so get referrals, otherwise they will not believe me and think that the page is scam, can you tell me what day of the week are you paying? thanks

Read the previous posts.
Still can't accept that this is a scam?
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