One of the best opportunities in 2017 was the investment in the lending platform, every coin provided at least x10 of their initial price in the ico as an example:
RegalCoin ICO price:$0,85 USD now ~$7
HextraCoin ICO price:$0,9 USD now ~$20
Davor ICO price:$0.72 USD now ~$21
And now the gold pot in my opinion:
Monyx (The ICO starts tomorrow)
The ICO price starts at $0,45 and ends at $1, the earlier investor can get even more buying at $0,45
Why i think this coin will go to the moon:
-Following the previous sucess from another Lending platform
-Read their whitepapper, they know what they are doing
-Many lending platform doesn't allow you to withdrawal your money before the ICO ends but the Monyx Platform allows do you guys think? Lending platform is always a bit risky but what isn't?
None of RegalCoin, HextraCoin or Davor have the potential to go x10.
How can you imagine people paying $200 for HextraCoin or Davor?! Many investors are blind, but not that blind. If I need to guess next x10, I would bet on SUB. But I prefer daily tradings, based on knowledge instead of guessing.