I have been watching how the authorities handle people with EBOLA here in the USA... they are incinerating everything they touch, everything in their homes.
Well I suppose on the surface that is the right way to be safe, but the only problem is. If Ebola is really so contagious and so easy to pass around and
transmitted through body fluids off of "objects" the person touched... then what about Currency? You know Paper Bills? Fiat or whatever else you want to call it.
Think about it... an Ebola Carrier no matter where they are in the world, starts feeling badly, lets say running a fever, sneezing and so on and so forth,
Alot of the times they will head to the Pharmacy for some remedy... Pays cash and the cash goes into the till. Someone else comes along gets the bill
in change and then goes and spends it somewhere else.
Or the Ebola Carrier gets off the plane, buys a drink in the airport or takes a taxi some place or whatever, getting currency into the system.
That infected? Currency Bill gets passed around oh say 10 times in the 72 hour period they say Ebola Virus can live on the surface of things.
That bill is the perfect conduit of passing the virus around more than anyone on an airplane can pass it around.
It may sound far fetched maybe it is? but... why would the Authorities be seizing everything an Ebola Carrier has and burning it... if they didnt believe that to be the case?
Many scientist have speculated the Spanish Flu of 1918 that killed 10s of millions of people was passed around via currency also.
Now you want to be scary... there is your scary Ebola Scenario and if it were to be proved to be true, can you imagine the populace reaction to currencies and the alternative
methods of paying for things?
Never thought of this. Internet Bitcoin money might be the recipient of a gigantic boost when governments start limiting currency to the Net. I should probably get a smartphone, and some more bitcoins.
I have my doubts that Governments would touch this issue... they would rather let people die and divert attention away from the transmission source, rather than destabilize their own currency and economies.
Probably why not many have considered this aspect what could happen nor want to consider it.
Can you imagine the long term global economic ramifications if someone actually proved and verified that theory?
Fortunately for us, the flaw in the idea of formal government is that governments are made of people, people who are often extremely ungoverned themselves. This is why many revolutions and rebellions win.
Governments are not that powerful. If they were, they would never fall.
Many of the long-lived governments that we see in the past, are really a succession of governments, all differing from each other, but we still call them by the same name, making it look like a particular government lasted a long time. Consider the different dynasties of Egyptian pharaohs. Even the different Caesars of Rome controlled different Roman governments at times.
And China. We see a "one-word" China. Yet its governments have been varied and multiple over the last 3,000 years.