
Topic: trading platform/system for buying/selling Bitcoin, Litecoin - page 8. (Read 24626 times)

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An Investment via Bitcoin: United Kingdom-Based Blockchain Company Hits £100,000!

With the United Kingdom still and on-going on recovering and recuperating from the Brexit, the Stratis which is a London UK based blockchain solutions company and business with the an aim and a goal of building and establishing a Blockchain Development Platform for developing and keeping the progress of blockchain apps has raised and gather for over £100,000 worth and value of the BTC from its ICO.

Having a total blast it's ICO in June, the Stratis offers and serves their blockchain token in which is used to run and facilitate the Stratis blockchain and the sidechain features and characteristics to any participants and patricians of the ICO. The Stratis has over an 84,000,000 Stratis tokens for sale to the investors.

Once developed and progressed, the Stratis will allocate and allow anyone and everyone to create and build and also manage the blockchains within just minutes, take note of it “within just minutes” and with the ability and capability to customize and improvise their very own private sidechains in which will be safe and secured at the same time by the main Stratis blockchain, and allocating and also allowing the developers and also the small companies and businesses to experiment and try with blockchains, not just for the large companies and businesses such as the JPMorgan and Chase Co. and the Deutsche Bank.

The Founder of Stratis, Chris Trew, says in one of his statements: “Our company is principally and primarily on blockchain provisioning and in-line for the business community and society in an increasingly and progressive digital economy and entity. The blockchain is a game changer and an ice breaker but there is still a real need to lower and downgrade the barriers and blockage to entry so that the more people in the society can get involved and surrounded with the technology, discover and find out it’s utility and usefulness and ultimately and also at the end of the day be able and capable to compete and vie in a changing market.”

The changing Blockchain-as-a-Service is one aspect on the Stratis platform itself. And will be a cloud-based and option and will be an open-source of the Bitcoin with full of node framework and mainframe written in the C# and also the Microsoft. The NET framework and structure rather than the Bitcoin’s original C++ node that comes with the several and plenty added features in which allowing and allocating it to be much easier to maintain and balance the existing code and also make it more attractive and fascinating to the developers.

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At the moment we have technical maintenance and the website can be offline for some time.
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Is It Possible That The Bitcoin Breaking-Out the Charts?

Countless factors and features have guide and take the lead to a rush forward and as well as the heave in the price of the Bitcoin this year 2016. And one of the main factors and aspects that have been constantly affecting the instability and volatility in China and the Bitcoin emerging and engaging as somewhat of a shelter or a safe haven. And the Brexit referendum also led to the price mount in the Bitcoin charts.
There are still and at halt underlying aspects, features and factors present and currently that could give the certain cryptocurrency a further push and urge on-going upwards and forward. As based and according to an article news by the Forbes, the Bitcoin dealings and transactions could double and maybe triple.

Forbes quote and mentioned Jupiter Research, a United Kingdom based company that specializes and best in identifying, classifying and appraising the high and towering growth and expansion of the market sectors and sections as saying, with “the total value and worth of the Bitcoin transactions and dealings is expected and projected to reach and exceed at $92 billion within this year of 2016 until more or less around 240% from within less than $27 billion of the year 2015.”

To tag along with it, Trump’s presidency and the Brexit and also the other global risk and jeopardy are enlisted. The Bitcoin has acted and serves as a pillar of strength and source of capability when it comes to the stability factor and asset in the moment and era of uncertainty and economic turmoil that happened lately and so and on. We have already seen and noticed that the Bitcoin was hitting far from the ground of $780 just before the Brexit referendum.

The BBC News has even reported and stated that based and according to the Economist Intelligence Unit that Donald winning the United States of America’s Presidency has the potential and latent to disrupt and disorder the whole global economy and heighten the political and also the security risk and chaos in the United States of America.

The BBC also mentions and has told that, “He is rated and marked as the riskier than the Great Britain leaving and parting the European Union or an armed clash and conflict in the South China Sea.” And the Economic Intelligence Unit uses and utilizes a risk scale of ranging from 1 up to 25 and Donald Trump as getting elected the United States of America’s president is allude to as having a rating in the range of 12 which is the same and similar as the risk and jeopardy of the Jihadi Terrorism which is destabilizing and making it critical for the global economy as based and according to the BBC reports and data.

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Good News!
From now You can do withdrawal also by using Bank Wire!
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Merit: 1000
The Mending with the Cloud Miners for Bitcoin Halving: Laceration Energy Costs

The Mining software companies and businesses try and attempt to reduce and trim down costs of the Bitcoin mining meeting and conference the challenge and defy brought and inhibit about by the cutting and slashing it in half in regarding of the block rewards.
The energy supply has been a topic issue and main concern of late mining operations and production in particularly and pertaining to the halving period of time as it is a great and vastly determinant to ensure and certain a lower operational and production cost to maximize and emphasize the profit.

A report and statistics says that some of the mining companies and businesses in the parts that locates in China, just recently and currently met to discuss and enclose on how to “share power grid and together with the local power resources” and also as well as the other issues and subject matter such like the hydropower, also the wind energy, the power tariff terms and phrase, which line up specifically on mining company operations and productions.

The offer and propose of cheap electricity will attract and draw an investment from the Bitcoin mining companies and businesses particularly and specifically in the land of China where roughly and estimated of an 82 percentage of the globally-produced hash share in concentrated and focus.
Regarding on the new and innovative products, the mining software companies and businesses in particularly the Bitmain has introduced and brought out a new and fresh products which including all of its latest and most recent Antminer S9 in which has been dubbed and given the title of the world’s most power-efficient and saving Bitcoin miner, into the market to meet and acquaintance and yet face the challenge brought about by the cutting in have of the block rewards.

Just after the Genesis Mining tested and experienced a larger and bigger batch of its X11 ASIC, it upgraded and reinforced all its ASIC X11 clients from one year up to two years of contract with a promise and a word to offer and serve them an electricity cost for the second year free of charge and fee.

As the Hashflare slashed and trimmed down its energy cost to enable and be able to its miners to earn and profit more. In an statement by the means of an email to its SHA-256 contract holders and clients, the mining company informed and updated them.
“As the Bitcoin mining reward halving is now history and olden times, it is our duty and responsibility to keep every single thing running and working smoothly and at ease for all of you. For the last couple of months, we have been working and keeping a hard installing new energy efficient and saving SHA-256 hardware to our data and information centers and portals, which allow us and allocates us to reduce and lessen our electricity expenses and costs.”

“And for that reason and basis, we are proud to announce and declare that the Maintenance and Electricity Fee (MEF) for the SHA-256 contracts is now being reduced and trimmed down by 25%, from the 0.008 USD per 10 GH/s to 0.006 USD per 10 GH/s. The work and progress is not yet done and over yet we are still looking forward to achieve and attain and also accomplish better results in the near future.”

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Bitcoin Valued and Worth as a Financial “Safe Haven” As Weigh Against to Other Major Currencies

The Bitcoin has a fair and reasonable amount of mainstream critics and haters and bashers when it comes to its value and worth and also relevance as a globally traded currency. Some and several of this borne and bear out of an equal and equivalent amount of fear, scare, ignorance and unawareness of what the Bitcoin is and represents, while a portion and an part also based and legitimately on the recent events and happenings like the Hash Ocean collapse and fall down.

Be that as it may that the Bitcoin has proven and certified to be quite valuable and worthy and relevant to those looking and seeking to protect and shelter their wealth under these more turbulent and chaotic and in turmoil economic period of times. The people may have stop snickering at the Bitcoin when they actually do the study and research and discover the impressive value and worth of the digital currency has to offer and serve. And when it comes down to it, the smart money has been on Bitcoin for quite awhile now, and the mainstream is beginning to notice and see this fast and this certain reality.

The Bitcoin becomes a financial “safe haven”, in the world economics; the term “safe haven” is a relative term. But from the fall of 2013, through the Mt. Gox collapse and fall down, up to early beginning of the year 2015, the Bitcoin was seen and noticed as a laughing stock, rising at 800%, only to crash back to the previous levels. Well, nobody and no one are laughing now, especially those who invested and put their line in the British Pound and Euro.

As according and stated from Bloomberg, the Bitcoin has become less volatile and fickle than the Pound since the Brexit, and this may not change and move for the same time. The British Pound values and worth have dropped to 30-year lows and the investors are moving quickly into the BTC for relief and reprieve.

The Chief Executive Officer of San Francisco-based Kraken, Jesse Powell, the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange in the Euro volume, stated: “A lot of people are buying and purchasing Bitcoin for Pounds and Euros. Our Euro-based Bitcoin volume has double and twice bigger….. We saw and noticed a huge and immense spiked in that market. People and citizens are seeking and looking for a safe place to store and keep their money and cash, amidst all of this uncertainty and ambiguity.”

Regarding to the world’s best performing currency, for those caught unaware and uninformed of the Bitcoin value and worth equation and figure over the last eighteen months, the Bitcoin was simply and undeniably the world’s best performing currency in the year 2015, gaining and increasing for over 35% against the global reserve currency, in the United States of America’s dollar.
This was about four times the growth and augmentation of the US dollar itself during and the same period of time. In this year 2016 it is proving to be even better and greater, as the Bitcoin started the year in the $430 range, and right now, the trading is in the $600’s, an almost and over 50% in increase in its value and worth.

The Managing Director at the Wedbush Securities Inc., Gil Luria, told the Bloomberg by the means and use of an e-mail: “I believe and think that the Bitcoin has seen and notice some of the benefit from the Brexit over the last few days as the consumers’ are buying and purchasing the Bitcoin as an asset uncorrelated with the global monetary system, much and likely gold. If the other countries and regions in the European Union pursue and urge a similar and the same path, I would expect some and several of their citizens and populace to look and seek at the British experience and want to protect and secure some piece of their funds in the Bitcoin. Even though the Bitcoin is volatile and unstable, volatility and precariousness is better than knowing your money and cash will be devalued by 10 to 30 percentages within the few weeks.”

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How to Get the Average and Standard People to Use Cryptocurrency

The Bitcoin was still and at a halt noticed and seen as the tech nerd’s game toy or a plaything to a certain extent than it is everyman’s and everybody’s money and currency. The four cryptocurrency and digital currency adoption and acceptance experts and professionals share and told their tips, guidelines, tricks and actions on how to bring and showcase crypto to the average and standard people or citizen of every nation.

On the 2013 report and testimony in which have stated that the cosmic and immeasurable number of majority of the Bitcoin users are the male, the libertarian, the non-religious which used their coins for donation and charity rather than the illegal activity. While in these demographics and results have certainly and undoubtedly shifted and turned over time and moments, the cryptocurrency far and away the domain and the sphere influence of the coder nerds. The “Main street” adoption and acceptance among the standard and average inhabitants and citizens could be higher and wider.

Several cryptocurrency experts and professionals who were specializing in the adoption and acceptance about the most effective and efficient ways and method to get crypto into the regular use by the ordinary people gives statements on an interview. One of the factors it is tackling was making and using cryptocurrency was easier than the banking apps.

The founder of Dutch cryptocurrency Gulden, Rijk Plasman says that the most and mainly crucial and decisive component and factor of any adoption and acceptance strategy is to remember and bear in mind to make a user-friendly or easy-to-use product than the current and a recent system.
“It is very important and significant to be realistic and to be true, while there are a lot and tons of benefits and remuneration at this very moment already to using cryptocurrency rather than using the fiat, and there is a pretty wide-ranging and extensive learning path for new users. That is what we are doing and making differently, eliminate and remove the learning, and make apps that is so easy and quick to use, that people can use them with a manual or further instructional materials. And when they can use the apps, they will notice and foresee the benefits and the profit of the blockchain instead of just hearing about it. Our apps have to be better and more enhanced than the current and recent banking apps, otherwise the regular and ordinary people would not even give it a chance.”

The Bitcoin advocate and early adopter, Derrick J. Freeman, also thinks that the emphasizing and accentuating of ease of use is imperative and essential to promoting and encouraging Bitcoin.

“I have tell them already that all they need and should use Bitcoin is an app. Here in the New Hampshire, where I’m living, I can point and position to a half dozen Bitcoin vending and retailing machines that convert and exchange fiat and to Bitcoin. No questions and query asked. That kind and variety of financial and pecuniary freedom and privacy is empowering.”

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Today we are planning small technical maintenance and the website can be offline for some time.
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Price of Bitcoin Stays within the Trading Range after the Halving

As the Bitcoin society and community celebrates and feast the second successful and overwhelming quadrennial block reward halving, the market participants and partaker seems to less and not as much of enthusiastic regarding the so-called event. The economics will trump speculation and assumption in the long run, but aimless and drifting precariousness and instability might be here to stay and keep for a while.

The Bitcoin halving was a decisive and influential yet a chronological event that upholds a significant and momentous meaning for almost every single person who’s been involved. It is yet one of the examples of Bitcoin’s pecuniary inevitability and inescapability, and also perfect juxtaposes the legacy and bequest system which has never been good and superior at following all the way through on promises and pledges. And now we are entering and inflowing the new era and period of time of Bitcoin. One in which the economics will reallocate and budge in dramatic and thespian ways and methodology and will accompany in fresh and newly dynamics and statement in Bitcoin markets.

Notwithstanding with the fact that the price has not yet mirrored and reflected these new realities which is mainly and chiefly for technical aspects and reasons, they will be priced and outlay sooner or later as the natural and normal market forces and drive will go to work. In anticipation and then, conversely, we are stuck and jammed trading the market we are given to.

The movements, trends and patterns and outline of the daily chart of the Bitstamp, below and underneath is being the best and finest view of the medium and average term technicalities and technical for the Bitcoin, and above all of the summation and speaking things stayed and remain comparatively and somewhat bullish. We can notice and observe that the $150 to $250 range was a lengthy and extensive term accrual and amassing range, the $350 to $450 was the initial and preliminary consolidation range, and right now at this very moment the market is putting in a pennant and an emblem which triangles the formation that tends and serves to be a bullish and buoyant pattern as a secondary consolidation range.

The Fibonacci analysis was confirming and guaranteeing this hypothesis and proposition as a support has been seen and noticed at the 50%, followed by 61.8%, and lastly the 78.6% levels and stages, which is telling us and unfolding to us that the buyers remain and stayed committed and persistent in as low as the $600’s range. Also observe and become aware that from the $700 going to $775 is a rather substantial an ample resistance area, even though the volume and count was saying that it is not as heavy and profound as would be expected and projected.

In additional from the statements above, the momentum and impetus still looks and figures to certain extent of week with Willy and RSI which is gradually and slowly moving stealthily lower and inferior, and MACD which remains and stays under and below the center and middle line, while the 9/18 EMA cross turns and twists to bearish once again. However, the A/D line (accumulation/distribution line) stays and remains strongly and firmly in an uptrend signaling and gesture demands at the current levels and stages, and the 200-day SMA were still and unbeatably moving and soaring higher intensively.

Over the close and near term, if the bullish and upbeat emblem pennant fails or fall short with around $620 right then we should be looking and come crossing at sub-$600 in the not so too distant future or outlook, and having said that the average and medium term view point and stance will keep on continuing to favor and errand the bulls.

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Activity: 745
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Halving Affects the Miners’ Payout

A specific day to block reward halving, as the Hashflare has become one of the first Bitcoin mining companies in the industry to inform and notify their beloved miners that the proposed and anticipated reduction and diminution in the mining reward will certainly affect and distress their payout, even if it do not state by how much and figure.

In a message and statement impost via e-mail, the Hashflare stated and claims that “we would like and akin to remind and hark back all of you that this weekends the Bitcoin mining reward will be reduced and lessen by up to the percentage of 50. In regarding to this process and procedure, which is namely the halving, was a part and fraction of the Bitcoin system script that takes place and occurs on every 210 000 block produced. On the last halving was reportedly and recorded from the past four years ago and the block reward went down and under to 25 BTC from 50 BTC.”
“The said halving take place and occur on approximately 20:30 (UTC+3), which exactly means that the entire Bitcoin network will start getting a reduced and lessen mining reward. This will also be seen and reflected in the payout you will be receiving on Monday.”
This was the stage and part of getting prepared and bracing themselves. As the company says and told that its team has been getting ready and preparing for the certain event for a couple and months already and is recently and currently preparing, getting all nature ready and installing new and more energy-efficient SHA-256 hardware 6nt6 the5r system and program.

It also adds that “we are putting and generating tons of effort and endeavor coming from our side to keep and intact BTC mining profitable and lucrative. In the nearest and upcoming future we will be able and capable to reduce and less the cost and amount of the electricity, and lowering and descending the electricity fees and charges for the SHA-256 contacts and links and associates in HashFlare as a result and outcome. We work as hard as everybody else and get far as we can to make and take our service better and superior and we hope that our efforts and labors will make your cooperation and support with us more profitable and advantageous and yet also enjoyable and pleasurable.
The vagueness and ambiguity stayed and remains. The most of the miners are not sure and certain of what to expect and look forward on after the halving. Also, not many and several mining companies that so far had shown and revealed their identities and individualities or even explained and gave a statement of the dynamics of their operations and maneuvers.

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Bitcoin Prices (Weekends Edition) July 23 and 24, 2016 “Stumble and fall, Getting Up and Standing Tall Again”

It is unpredictable in each and every movement. It may stumble and fall. Get up and stand tall again. But there is one thing that we are certain, that the Bitcoin prices were one of the most awaited in each and every single day. Enthusiast keeps an eye on every direction it points. Filling off the charts and lining up the graphs with the remarkable ups and downs.

It is a Saturday, moment of weekends. Time to get some refreshing flash, and when the that moment approaches last price marks at $650.870 and the daily range at $642.340 to $667.540 and the daily change of $25.200 and a 24 hour turnover of $672039.745. After couple of hours the last price elevated at $652.810 while the daily range were starting to drop at $642.340 to $665.796 and so did the daily change when it lessen in $23.456 after all the decreasing the 24 hour turnover rises at the moment at $683377.926. Few hours passed and the last price strikes high again at $654.802 but the daily range diminishes somehow at $642.340 to $664.475 and together with the daily change it also fall at $22.135 then followed by the 24 hour turnover as it slumped in $679177.220. Next thing the last price sets higher as it took place in $655.315, though the last price marks higher the daily range continues to stumble and fall as it crushed at $642.340 to $662.018, the sudden falling chased by the daily change as it sinks at $19.310 while the 24 hour turnover gets up from its fall as it reaches at $682930.610. After that certain movement the last prices shrink at $654.180 as trailed by the daily range as it experienced another episode of falling off the grid as it dumps at $642.340 to $657.000 then the daily change pursue dwindling as it drop off at $14.660 while the 24 hour turnover climbs at the $688181.559. But before the night ends, another set of circulation takes place when the last price declined at $652.700 while the daily range and the daily change choose to settle and rest as the 24 hour turnover hikes at $689602.714...

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Activity: 745
Merit: 1000
Small changes in the design of our website!
We have made the Bitcoin 24 hour exchange rate schedule more functional, to make it easier to keep track of Bitcoin exchange rate changes.
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Activity: 745
Merit: 1000
Bitcoin Prices (Weekdays Edition) July 18 to 22, 2016 “From the Moon and Back and Yet Some Fall Apart”

Mondays are the better day to start all over again, and Mondays are new beginnings to remind us that we are blessed for we have the chance to unfold another weekdays again.

It is indeed Monday morning, July 18, 2016 and it is a brand new week for every single creature in the whole wide world as the last price lands on $684.120 and the daily range have set in the numerical of $665.415 to $687.410 with the daily change of $21.995 and the 24 hour turnover of $987030.156. The few hours arrived and the last price hit low at $683.550 then the daily range upgraded at $667.378 to $687.410 causing the daily change to downgrade a bit in $20.032 while the 24 hour turnover spiked at $991346.073. Though the last price diminishes at $682.980, the daily range move up somehow in $667.770 to $687.410 while the daily change may have lessen it digits and touched down at $19.640 and so did the 24 hour turnover when it reached at $977384.979. Moments and hour had passed and the last price were seriously marking low at $682.260, but the daily range have climbing up at $670.800 to $687.410 which causes the daily change to dropped at $16.610 together with the 24 hour turnover at $976241.915. Before the night ends another decreasing in the last price went down at $676.801 and the daily range may have boost in for more at $676.783 to $687.410 that literally causes to melt down the daily change into $10.627 and followed by the 24 hour turnover at $972952.577...

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Activity: 745
Merit: 1000
Bitcoin Prices (Weekends Edition) July 16 and 17, 2016 “On a High, Getting Low and Somehow Bouncing Back!”

It is truly wonderful weekdays had passed by. Though the Bitcoin price rise and dropped, it surely have get back right on its track as it rise in the occasion were it really belonged with. Now it is the weekends’ chance to show what they truly got to offer the patricians and also the investors and the potential group of people who are planning to invest and safety their cash upon Bitcoin.

Today it is a great day Saturday, and the sun shines so bright to light the day as the last price hit the mark price of $690.963 with the daily range of $662.030 to $690.102 and with the daily change of $28.072 and a 24 hour turnover of $864086.763. Right after this series of data, the last price may have fall a little in the space in the digits of $666.830 while the daily range elevates somehow in $662.030 going to $700.000 and also did the daily change have climbed in $37.970 and the 24 hour turnover have spiked in $871608.839.The next movement of the Bitcoin prices, the last price decreased again at $662.300 and the daily range have diminished in $660.715 to $700.000 but the daily change took the liberty to rise up in $39.285 while the 24 hour turnover have lessen into $804354.669. After this certain movement the daily range and the daily change went on the stagnant phase, while the last price and the 24 hour turnover have danced the night away as they swing back and off the grid, the last price took place in $661.556 while its 24 hour turnover was $801178.506; followed by the last price which sets in $662.880 and its 24 hour turnover of $841426.334; next is the last price was $664.440 and the 24 hour turnover was $844212.378; subsequently the last price took the position of $664.450 and its 24 hour turnover is $850583.945 and lastly, the last price lands in $664.720 and its 24 hour turnover was at $850583.945. Truthfully, this day is just one of those keep calm and stay the same phase. Just like the last week’s phase…

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Merit: 1000
Do you have any other altcoin on your platform asides litecoin?

Hallo. No, we don't.
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Activity: 238
Merit: 100
Do you have any other altcoin on your platform asides litecoin?
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Activity: 745
Merit: 1000
Bitcoin Prices (Weekdays Edition) July 11 to 15, 2016 “Rise, Drop and Get Back!”

It is indeed play safe and calm as we may describe the last week’s weekdays’ edition of Bitcoin prices. And as it continuous to the weekend's’ edition it is stay the same and be secure like. Will this scenario keeps on tagging along on Bitcoin prices? Or will it change for the better?
What comes next was uncertain and what will be the future was unpredictable! Yet we are still here existing and making things happen and today is a pretty good Monday morning, July 11, 2016 and the Bitcoin prices was full of hope as it set its last price of this hour at $657.035 with its daily range that land into the digits of $642.921 to $662.274 with the daily change of $19.353 and the 24 hour turnover at $740837.193 gives hope that there will be a certain stability today. For several hours the daily range and the daily change hasn’t moved at any phase, while the last price and the 24 hour turnover were partners on moving around and round at the last price of $648.585 and its 24 hour turnover at $759897.702; next’s last price was $648.746 with the 24 hour turnover of $758957.848; followed by the last price of $648.131 with the 24 hour turnover of $756121.037; tailed by the last price of $647.757 together with the 24 hour turnover of $756565.843; then chased with the last price of $648.197 and join with the 24 hour turnover of $768061.580.

Finally, as the last price’s move the daily range has moved to a certain number as the last price was $646.871 that tags along with the elevation of the daily ranges at $644.100 to $662.274 that causes the daily change to roll down a bit at $18.174 while the 24 hour turnover rises at $764752.793. Then followed by the rising of the last price at $649.360 and so did the daily range at $644.663 to $662.274 that sends the daily change to decreased at $17.611 together with the 24 hour turnover at $759411.696. Another increasing of the last price occurs in the numbers of $649.410 together with the daily range as it touched down at $644.770 to $662.274 which eventually have diminishes the daily change at $17.504 and so do the 24 hour turnover too at $755952.891. The towering of the prices continuous as the last price lands at $649.675 that took the liberty of adjusting up the daily range with $645.618 to $662.274 that affects the daily change and fall down at $16.656 and leads the 24 hour turnover to arise at $758140.989. It is indeed a pretty good Monday to everyone and to the Bitcoin prices anyway...

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Merit: 1000
Will Bitcoin Be The Next Cryptocurrency At Scotland?

Can the Brexit provide and be the cryptocurrency’s period for the Scottish citizens? Meanwhile, Willie Fleming of the Scotcoin Project makes a statement regarding to the issue.
The voting of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union awakes the history of the trading and stock market industry and has set a remarkable decision and move that involves a lot of nature. While Bitcoin skyrockets, which is reacting to the shrinking markets as self-assurance and poise in the European economy temporary chaos and have eventually fall of the grid for some time now.
In the intervening time, Scotland choose and vote to stay with the European Union, which was leading and speculating that the Scots will exit and leave the United Kingdom, despite the fact that it is not necessarily on adopting the euro as their mainframe currency. And this issue could lead to a major and primary situation and status for the cryptocurrency to take a solid and rigid root and basis in Scotland.

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Bitcoin Prices (Weekdays Edition) July 4 to 8, 2016
“Play Safe and Calm”

It’s a great day Monday, July 4, 2016 and it’s the United States of America’s Independence Day… Will 4th of July will be special day for the Bitcoin prices? Let’s find out what will be the journey of the weekdays edition of Bitcoin prices. To begin the day with the daily range looks promising in $650.089 to $695.194 with the daily change of $45.105 and a 24 hour turnover with $498631.774.

The next rolling of the Bitcoin price the daily range had dropped into $650.089 to $683.143 with the daily change that dipped into $33.054 which is causing the 24 hour turnover to $517202.561 rise in its own little way. After that, another falling went over again which sets the daily range with $650.089 to $679.874 and diminishes the daily change in the phase of $29.785 and so did the 24 hour turnover at $507539.273. Constantly the changing in the digits appears, as the daily range decreases again and lays at $650.089 to $681.760 although the daily range fallback the daily change step forward and stands for $31.671 and so did the 24 hour turnover as it took over and accelerates at $514917.808.

The evolution of prices continuous as the daily range increased in the numbers of $658.813 to $681.760 causing the daily change to have level down a bit in $22.947 but being the reason why the 24 hour turnover escalates at $517625.692. Then the rising were incessant leaving the daily range at $660.760 to $681.760 and setting the daily change to slump in $20.946 in which elevating the 24 hour turnover within $535431.719. Another day has gone by already, it is not that smooth at first but it did have a safe journey back and port.

The following day was Tuesday, July 5, 2016. And it is indeed pleasant as the morning breeze by the ocean as the sun shines the daily range find it spots at $668.046 to $684.308 with the daily change of $16.262 and a 24 hour turnover of $792966.151. For moments and period of times the daily range and the daily change held their heads up high as they were unbeatable, however, the 24 hour turnover bounces from here and there with $793875.091; $791720.313; $800963.046; $800408.176; $801398.147 and $804109.550.

The next escapade of the bitcoin prices gone for a while as it descends at $662.888 to $684.308 after a strong hold over there at the top. Then the daily change kicked in at $21.420 and also the 24 hour turnover with $795320.553. Afterwards the era of holding prevails again, in which the daily range and the daily change have rested the night away on the above mentioned numerical while the 24 hour turnover sways and dances the whole time at $792584.713; $792778.335; $790289.175; $781567.247 and lastly, $785628.008. Truly, the bitcoin prices were being held up for good and pretty much secure on its places.

It’s a Muslim holiday, as all across nations celebrates Eid Al-Fitr which is the end of the Ramadan (a month of fasting during daylight hours and solemnly gathering together the faith for Allah), July 6, 2016. The daily range lay down at $662.888 to the $680.976 with the daily change of $18.079 and a 24 hour turnover of $798905.767. The fact that it’s a non-working holiday almost at all places, the being of “safe and sound” period occurs as the daily range and also the daily change were stagnant and only the 24 hour turnover moves right there and scattered everywhere in the digits of the $801196.241; $801985.616; $797163.123; $799843.012 and also $798514.349.

Perhaps it only moves backwards when the changing takes place and position the daily range into $667.304 to $682.683 with the daily change that back down at $15.379 which has caused the 24 hour turnover to higher up a bit in the $791636.613. The Bitcoin prices today continue to play it safe again as it protects it core.

Everyone says when it’s Thursday that it is a throwback Thursday! Way on my throwback, last week’s Thursday the Bitcoin prices were sharply heading and moving forward and upward, will it be the same for this week? Let us check this out. Today’s daily range placed at $639.015 to $682.683 with its daily change of $43.668 and a 24 hour turnover of $747123.819. There are times that the daily range and the daily change wanted to stay still and be unbreakable as the 24 hour turnover keeps moving around and around at $752066.350; $746935.420; $747556.257 and $743659.231.

The next movement of the daily range it collapsed at $638.569 to $682.683 basis for the daily change to tower in $44.114 which leads the 24 hour turnover to break down in $742864.085. After one dropping of prices, it had been followed again by another plunge as it sets the daily range into $632.532 to the $682.683 in which roots the daily change to spiked in $50.515 and reduces the 24 hour turnover with $741571.346. At this moment, the daily range dwindled at $618.208 to $682.683 therefore the daily change topped in at $64.475 and the 24 hour turnover shrinks at $733279.790. In summation of the movements of bitcoin prices today, I may call it the “drop day”.

It's Friday yey! People used to utter “Thank God, It’s Friday!” and it is July 8, 2016. The daily range was at $616.364 to $675.532 with the daily change of $59.168 and a 24 hour turnover of $602071.278. The motion keeps on giving and hitting it hard as the daily range fell off at $616.364 to $648.778 that lessen the daily change into $32.414 and climbed up the 24 hour turnover at $651750.975. For a couple of hours the daily range and daily change were the same although the 24 hour turnover switches from $657341.981 and $656262.048.

There is a saying if you were down there is the only way but to go up! The daily range amplifies at $616.364 to $655.066 and the daily change does really elevate at $38.702 and also the 24 hour turnover boost up in $667474.903. Then followed by sweet arise in the daily range again at $616.364 to $656.501 so did the daily change have blazed in $40.137 and crazed the 24 hour turnover with $668973.636. Truly there is a rainbow after the rain when the daily range and the daily change settle and takes it rest but the 24 hour turnover shove its madness, as it plays onto the numbers and digits and numerical of $670611.182; $673629.254; $686579.920; $690202.003; $694331.146 and lastly at the $700567.878.
And this is how the journey of the Bitcoin prices has unfolded. There are ups and downs but the prices calmly embraced the change.

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How do it really begun?

The term “Bitcoin” which happened to be in the white paper, that defined Bitcoin published in 2008. Composite of the words bit and coin. The white paper often uses the shorter coin. Technically, there is no standardized of convention for bitcoin capitalization. Some sources may have used “Bitcoin”, capitalized, which is referring to the technology and network and “bitcoin” lowercase, which refers to the unit of account. Somehow, The Wall Street Journal, The Chronicle of Higher Education and the Oxford Dictionary, advocate the lowercase of bitcoin in all particular uses.

Satoshi Nakamoto was the name who has invented Bitcoin as digital asset and payment system and the one who have published the invention in October 31, 2008; in the research paper called “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. And also the one who has released Bitcoin as open-source software on January 2009. The transaction takes place between users directly without an intermediary and the system is commonly peer-to-peer as it was being described. All the transactions are verified and recorded in a public distributed ledger that has being called the “blockchain” which have been using bitcoin as its unit of account. The system works without a central repository or even a single administrator, which is the main reason why the U.S. Treasury classified it as decentralized virtual currency. Bitcoin was frequently called as the “first cryptocurrency”. Even though the aforementioned systems do even exists and more appropriately depict as the “first decentralized digital currency”. Therefore, bitcoin was the largest of it variety in expressions of the total souk worth.

The reason why bitcoins are created because it serves as a reward for payment processing work in which the users offers their computing ability to validate and record the payments into a public ledger. The activity was called “mining” and the “miners” are rewarded with transaction fees and newly created bitcoins. By being acquired by mining, bitcoins are able to be exchange for other currencies, products and services. Upon sending bitcoins, the users can pay an optional transaction fee to the miners.

A programmer named Hal Finney was one of the first supporters, adopters, contributors to bitcoin and also the receiver of the very first bitcoin transaction. Finney has downloaded the bitcoin software the day it was been released and have receive 10 bitcoins from Nakamoto was the world’s first bitcoin transaction.
Wei Dai which is the creator of bitcoin predecessor b-money and Nick Szabo, the creator of bitcoin predecessor bit gold were the other early supporters of bitcoin.
An exploit in an early bitcoin client was found that allowed the numbers of bitcoins to be created in 2010 and the artificially created bitcoins were being removed and the other chain took over the bad chain. And in 2011, the other cryptocurrencies started to emerge based on the bitcoin’s open source code.

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