Once again. PRICE =/= VALUE.
I would say that the VALUE of a bitcoin is the labor power required (computing power + energy costs + labor costs of building hardware etc.) to produce a bitcoin. It's a very Adam Smith/David Ricardo labor theory of value argument.
The PRICE is what a buyer and a seller agree to transact at.
Time has nothing to do with either (except for the labor time part of value).
Beyond understanding the importance of knowledge of the present and the importance of arranging transactional data into the bell curve,
the approach to markets advanced incorporates two basic equations. The first is used to break down and define market reality.
The equation is simply:
price + time = value. This statement is known and even obvious to most intelligent persons; subconsciously we accept
a known product 's price as value as we repeatedly are charged that price over time. The equation also holds true for the most complex
markets. It captures and defines a market's range of activity, creating a distinction between prices which are accepted as fair value and those
prices which the market rejects as temporarily unfair ly above or below value in the current timeframe.
Market activity generates information:
A) A readable preference of variant time-price opportunities which
occur at different times, at different or the same prices, at
different or the same levels of volume. This is an expression of
accepted, rejected or changing value by participants as a whole.
I) Time-price opportunities (and hence prices) can appear with a
large or small relative amount of time.
a) Those time-price opportunities resulting in a large amount of
time must result in large transactional volume and display
market acceptance or value for both sides in that timeframe.
b)Those time-price opportunities resulting in a small amount
of time must result in small transactional volumc and display
market rejection or unfair value for one side in that timeframe.
B) This amounts to market distinction as to price.
I) prices accepted versus prices rejected
C) A further distinction of the type of market activity can be made within
the framework of acceptance/rejection.
I) prices in a market-created opportunity which are responded to
versus prices in a market-created opportunity which are
overtaken by other initiating forces. Therefore...
Price + Time = Market Acceptance (responsive or initiating)
=Transactional Volume
=Market Value (definition of all free markets)