The confusion seems to be that since bitcoin wastes more it is more secure,
that is a false assumption, it only means it wastes more nothing else.
At the end of every day, 4 pool operators control bitcoin destiny,
where as every decent PoS coin is secured by many more than 4 people.
Change pool operators to exchange and there you have the guys that can control your "destiny".
Coincheck was holding 10% of the entire NEM supply on their exchange when they were hacked.
Binance currently hold around 210k bitcoins in their identified cold wallets, god knows how many they actually have in storage.
Ok, let's compare.
PoW : Pool Operators would double spend on the Exchanges and Cash Out to FIAT.
PoS: Exchanges would Double Spend Against
Not likely and much easier to just sell all of their coins in an exit strategy.
I actually don't like PoW, I've always warned people here that if we reach insane values of 50k before the halving the number of miners plugging in would drive energy consumption to an insane level so much as it would start to influence energy prices.
But, misquoting
Beorn here,
"I don't like PoW, with its electricity consumption driven by greed...but PoS, I hate more".
That is a personal emotional response, of which you have every right,
but emotional responses don't determine factual results based on design and energy efficiently.
PoS may not be your favorite sports team , but that does not mean they won't win the crypto Superbowl.
This would also end the nonsense of non-mining nodes as all nodes could be staking nodes
and since they earn profit end the nonsense that the blocksize can't be increased because people can't afford to upgrade their hardware.
And slowly the nodes would start to be run by companies, offering you a share of the profit if you deposit your coins, people would start depositing those as they do in a bank to gain interest, solo staking would turn into a useless business, and guess what the outcome would be? Back to square 1.
Excuse me, you realize you basically speaking of Coinbase without the staking part.
The Most stable Bitcoin Nodes are currently run by companies, and you can bet the real successful LN hubs will all be company owned.
The people that actually wanted to hold their own money , would run their own node.
No doubt companies would run their own in addition. Choice is there, people will be free to choose.
Their is also confusion , a staking node does not have to run 24x7 like a ASICS to avoid losing money.
Staking Nodes can run intermittently and receive stake whenever their coinage is higher,
so a staking node can be turned on, sync a month worth of blocks and then stake.
They do lose compounding, but leaving the Node up 24x7 is optional.