Andrebbe fatta una ricerca un po' approfondita perché mi pare che ci siano thread che parlino di questo tema, in ogni caso mi sembra di ricordare che per l'aggiornamento del forum, anni fa, fossero stati raccolti oltre 600 BTC. In teoria i fondi sarebbero dovuti essere usati per, appunto, ringiovanire il forum, in pratica non mi risulta che nulla sia stato fatto, non per niente sembra di essere in uno dei primi forum mai creati dall'avvento di internet
E' una storia che ho seguito negli anni, perche' e' molto istruttiva:
l'idea di un nuovo forum gira da ormai un decennio, c'e' adirittura una sezione dedicata: una sorta di TODO da parte di teymos:' evidente che teymos ha attivamente promosso l'idea di riscrivere il forum, e ha raccolto fondi per farlo.
Passa del tempo.....
qui post di gente un po' incazzata, un tipo ha donato 10 Bitcoin per
il progetto nuovo forum, e in totale ne sono stati donati a centinaia,
forse migliaia. la risposta carina di teymos:
- More money is better than less money. I'm not going to turn down donations when people want to donate. (Though when asked, I often recommend that people not donate.) I'm not going to stop selling ads even though the forum probably has "enough" money. It's not bad for the forum to have extra money. It will be used on something useful at some point. If you don't like this, don't donate.
- More than half of the forum's money is from ads, not donations.
- During the school year, I am a full time student. I barely have time to administrate the forum.
- When I do have time, there are many interesting/important/fun things that compete for my attention. I don't spend all day working on the forum. I've certainly not been working full-time for 12 months on vaporware forum software...
I am still very interested in creating new forum software, and we probably now have enough money to do it. SMF works alright (definitely not perfectly), but there are two main problems with it that require more than just some modifications. Firstly, the coding style is generally insecure. It's very easy to introduce new security flaws, and it's likely that SMF has unknown security flaws. Secondly, modifications to SMF are somewhat difficult, and some types of modifications are so difficult that they will almost certainly never be done here. (Other forum software isn't significantly better, from what I've seen.)
There is unfortunately no magical machine which takes money and creates excellent software or hires a team of competent people. I'm not quite sure how best to turn the money into a good software product. I originally intended to give someone a bunch of money and have them handle the whole thing. I talked with dozens of people interested in doing this, but none of them made me totally confident. A while ago I decided that I will probably never be confident in any one person/company handling the entire project because I've thought about it much longer than they have (2 years), and I have many details about how it should work in my mind. So I probably need to get closer to the development process. My current plan is to write some detailed up-to-date specifications and do some of the high-level architectural work (DB tables, primarily) and then lead a team to do the rest.
I have a little more time now, but the forum software project is a somewhat low priority. I have several high-priority things to fix with the current software. If you want to help, I could use a very security-conscious PHP programmer to help me maintain/improve the current SMF installation.
Sono passati anni, ma il nuovo forum si deve ancora vedere.
In altri casi sarebbe stato un evidente scam, ma siccome e' teymos...
In compenso ha implementato il sistema dei merit, che a mio modesto
avviso ha contribuito a peggiorare di parecchio la qualita' del forum.
PS: se per questo post verro' bannato: addio, e grazie per tutto il pesce!