Welcome to your No-Win scenario.
Yes, I have my final decision to share the knowledge what I had at Bitcoin.
And I want to do it for free, even there is no win scenario.
Neighbors hate you for losing their money.
Neighbors buy btc and the price increases,
Neighbors bug you every day on when they should sell, and if you miss the top.
Neighbors hate you for missing the top even if they made a profit.
You bring up BTC, and Neighbor informs you that PoW is destroying the environment and increasing their energy rates.
Neighbors hate you for supporting energy waste.
Best suggestion , leave your neighbors alone, unless they ask you your opinion.
Next tell them which politician they should vote for and Neighbors hate you.
The final question is, are you planning to move.
I will just tell my neighbors about the usages and features of Bitcoin.
And I don't think that they will hate me. and I know them better than yours. Do you know my neighbor?
of course not, you don't know them. So you just justify what you say Sir. I know what I'm going to do
and I also know the possible results of what I'm going to do and I'm ready for that. But even so, I still
want to ask for the suggestion of anyone here in this forum so that I can approach and explain Bitcoin
properly whether they accept it or not.
And besides, I already informed my neighbors about this matter and where going to have a short gathering
at my home this week, so I will keep you all updates here in another new topic here in this thread section
stay tune. Good day