I can imagine a ban, apart from the loss of signature revenue, makes someone care less about the forum. As dumb as it sounds for some website on the internet, after spending several years here I'd really be hurt if it happened to me.
Wow, 229 shitposts to 0.
Xenrise was on my ignore list already, that's not a good sign for post quality. I'm surprised he qualified for a signature ban though, I thought unbans were reserved for people who make a net positive contribution to the forum, and I don't think someone who
earned 1 Merit for a deleted post contributes much.
I really don't keep track of who's been banned and was actually surprised to see cellard, zazarb, and a couple of other members on that list.
Search for ". Legendary " (excluding quotes) on my
A wave of bans-topic, you'll probably recognize many more names.
If being in a signature campaign means that someone made posts they wouldn't have made without the signature - that's not a good sign.
I joined my first signature campaign, I had made 145 posts in 11.5 months. I didn't even expect to reach the minimum requirement of 50 posts per month. I was a Mod on the site at that time, and that's why I joined the campaign.
However, I started posting more, and if anything, knowing that
guitarplinker checks my posts made me very aware of the need for quality.
It all boils down to the signature campaign manager: if someone is paying for spam, there'll always be someone willing to spam.